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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Something makes me believe you would get 3 1/35 roys. And put one on a center throne surrounded by smaller valks. No shortage of lineart for valk internals, so a macross ultimetal style with open hatches could work. Bandai needs to put some effort into that, seeing how they missed the boat on the 1/48 Super and strike part internals. Open hatched valk certainly would be a shelf presence on its own, and bandai could sell another range of hangar parts for diorama.
  2. Call it the bandai tease cross fingers and toes that it’s still on the cards!
  3. who needs the actual roy DX with these around. This is another way of securing a roy VF-1s. Be interesting to see how the yellow of the upcoming roy DX fits in with these! Further if these customs still retained hikaru’s name on the canopy side, it could also represent the booby duck vf-1s in the goodbye girl episode! nice! edit: *tho the point of whether the booby duck valk in ep24 was already assigned to hikaru or not is debatable perhaps?*
  4. Does anyone have any history/info on this image? Stuck in my mind for the longest time and probably compelled me to prefer the packs with kites over the strike packs... Any macross historians?
  5. They most likely get it from another scalper. So you get double scalped so to speak.
  6. Hows the closet space coming along? From one old man to another, i hear ya. Hard to imagine macross toys are still going stronger and pricier still. Still, viewing it as a marathon not a sprint. I might not get all of em, but if i am collecting some i really like, am ok missing out on a few favs. Do i wish it was easier to get at MSRP, and i wouldnt pay for scalper prices? Hell yeah. But i also understand am not here to tell folks what to do with their money. Luckily, not everyone has a money printing machine (unlike the fed), and the prices eventually settle back NEAR MSRP. Down the rabbit hole we go! I cant tell what attracts me to roy's valk. Is it the yellow scheme??Or merely skull leader designation. I mean i could have gotten hikaru's 1S and be done with a 1S, but somehow i still go for roy's ride. Thanks for posting that nostalgic image. Brings back the feels bigtime. Grateful for being part of it when other kids may not have been able to get one.
  7. The emotion i get from this PO attempt so far is, actually i wanted to say frustration, but after going through so many PO's, i realised its more of boredom. Waiting to see if it turns to jubilation.
  8. Is roy's veritech valkyrie fighter still available a msrp?
  9. FOMO
  10. Gee hope that wasn’t a hard to get item in HLJ’s Pw. That would be just a horrible feeling. i do wonder how AE can store things, what seems indefinitely. There must a holding cost to it. Even if it’s their own place, the cost is the lost opportunity to rent/use the warehouse for other activities.
  11. Longest I had stuff in their warehouse was over a year apart. Although it seemed fine, I didn’t want to push my luck letting in sit in their warehouse too long. You never know what might happen . but yeah AE hasn’t let me down past decade been using them..
  12. Yeah pity shins f-14 is a 1/72 otherwise it would be perfect with the other 1/60 arcadias. Not too far off anyway in scale. The VF-0a is one of my favourite valks (inspite of the bum hip) because of the light blue scheme. In a sea of white, red, blue, yellow valks, the 0a appeals to me for being quite navy-ish and unique in macross valk-dom.
  13. What do the 10 day handling times and scalpers mean?
  14. Haha ok then, am not a NY apologist. I didn’t know AE doesn’t deliver to the states tho.
  15. Why not just get them at AE or NY? It’s cheaper there.
  16. Ah yes. Priorities!
  17. Wooooot! Wait. What’s the difference between this and the previous designer notes book? The pics in the amazon site look more...sketchy? thats a lot of pages, I thk the designer notes version was abt 270 pages...
  18. Oh man. Are you sure its not post Roy PO PTSD? ..Sorry didnt mean to kid around. Am hearing abt the chaos in US on the news daily. Hopes it will turn out negative, in the meantime, take the most upmost care and keep the faith. Hope securing a roy will provide a boost also..
  19. Yeah thats below AE's price. And from my experience shipping seems to be cheaper via CDJ as well.....sigh.... Its just that CDJ doesnt always list p-bandai items, so its hard to tell whther to wait or not....oh well... btw, was that price with the summer promo code?
  20. Hope you got a good nights rest tho! Thats priceless..well...yeah.
  21. it doesnt show as proxy to me. But any additional fees i think will come below even AE's 10800yen... Damm...AE doesnt allow free tamashii cancellations.. What is your cancellation policy for pre orders and other items? - Orders can be fully cancelled with no cancellation fees if unpaid. - If the order is not paid in 48 hours it will be cancelled automatically by our system. - Once paid a 20% cancellation fee applies to all orders if cancelled if 60 days from payment are past. - Items on pre order can be cancelled if in the 60 days of payment date. - Special items can’t be cancelled (Tamashii web items or out of production items and rare items)
  22. aww man thats a good price!! way to go CDJ! There is even a coupon for 800yen off as summer promo...geez...do i need another....
  23. you and me both, its in my cart taunting me. Its been ages since i used HLJ, that the "new" ordering page looked foreign to me. That caused me unnecessary delays in submitting my order. Just hope there isnt any issues, if and when i continue ordering it, if it becomes available...
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