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Everything posted by seti88

  1. My main concern is on the scale, it would be great of there would be ones that a 1/60 valk wouldn't look out of place on. Am good for generic brand flight decks. Lower costs, avoid IP controversy and a wider market with cheaper price points! However if you want to go premium decks, add steam coming out of the catapult launch lines.
  2. Which version of the monster? Just wondering what the weight tolerance is for the motor to be able to push.. Model kits would be no problem i should say, since they hardly weigh much compared to a diecast.
  3. Commercially K-POP boy/girl bands seem to be bringing in the moolah. If thats the price i have to pay for more valks, then so be it! Although i wouldnt mind if kawamori went Foo Fighters/Metallica. sorry i cant find any macross k-pop mashups well cos i dont know much abt k-pop boy bands...these are the two i was exposed to...i can see why they would suit macross more than metallica.
  4. hahaha i like the way you think jvm! That elevator sound effect synched to the macross OP is boss! Possible future flight decks plz.......
  5. We went from single female singers to male singer w band, AI female singer, folk (after re-listening its more operatic, i must have been influenced by the storyline...) female singers, double lead female singers to girl band. So i suppose we need a boy band lead next? And a female lead piloting the latest VF-3x (vf-14ish valk lookalike)! And a female antagonist?? Add a sprinkling of valks and the macross soup is served. Hows that sound?
  6. Such a nice caveliers squadron! Cmon bandai, it’s a no-brainer release!
  7. Whoa..what a scare! Glad you are up and running again. Hope it is cleared out of the system although I don’t know how one would gauge it. So now you should have c-19 antibodies!
  8. ARE U LISTENING BANDAI! Errr not the lottery part but the crushed head add - on. They could probably do that in lieu of the price of a valk stand.
  9. Hmm since we dont have an akira movie yet....why not do a TV show!
  10. Heh some macross fan I am. I had tot the sdf poster above to be takani! I seen the MBS promo pics countless times too but it’s significance just became more apparent...tot it was another magazine cover ...gee whiz..ok now I know some background to it... did kawamori-san also do more art? Non valk or macross even...
  11. fantastic! Inspiration meter overload.
  12. Watching all these shopping bot talk..reminds me of the scene with kaneda and tetsuo in akira. When kaneda realises he cant hurt tetsuo with his laser rifle anymore, kaneda rolls up his sleeve and shouts to tetsuo...cmon fight like a man!!(from my old English dub vhs back in the day) All I have is my F5...hahaha...
  13. Save a spot or two() for the upcoming DX? Very nice representation of the fighter mode of the21. Daresay that’s near damm perfect, which a delimiter 21 would tip over.
  14. Thanks for your help jvm! For the longest time I tot it was takani, but the signature at the bottom didn’t quite seem like takani. So glad to hear it was a picture drawn by Kawamori and reprinted in a ...hobby magazine? Was used to takani-san and tenjin-san being the poster artists. Makes me wanna look up if Kawamori-san did more posters...
  15. That’s not just one of their employees. *popcorn eating*
  16. hey JVM, would you have any info abt this picture/poster(?) and how rare it would be ie difficulty in finding one? how would one search for it in japanese?
  17. I would like to see them try with high priced items in bulk. You gotta make sure you got the capital to pull the trigger. And also it would help to have the listings up longer as some need validations on cards etc. Over time, it will be a drain on their resources.
  18. I created this thread in the anime section, well cos Calwings were tying up with HG. Then threads started as well in the toys section. Guess it reflects the muddy waters of BW/HG and licencees.
  19. The ultimate anti-bot scheme is PAY UPFRONT.
  20. Because of the PO madness, some are still conditioned to look at the add to cart button first. Not a joke. The days after the PO, my fingers were literally trigger happy before my eyes came in.
  21. but i dont have the software or printer!! wow though....someone make that plz?! and also for 1/60 and 1/48 SCALE?
  22. be like hikaru and then on release day...
  23. its ok, if you can splash out on it, be our guest!
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