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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Steps to make the yf-19 tailfin stronger. what I can make of it is to use a pin vise to drill and put a pla rod in. Cant make out the rudder method below, if anyone wants to chime in. Found via macrossgram insta.
  2. The chunkies lineup reminds me of an iron man hall of armors with that lighting. Suits the fighters as well! Real awesome
  3. Wow @ghostryder, the blue came out really well. Would be disappointed if bandai’s blue isn’t as good as your mix.
  4. In macross zero he seemed to be quite concerned abt his wingmen (?) when they went up against the Sv-51 valks... but in sdfm while everyone was getting killed around him and he seemed to go back to his romancing...roy got jaded perhaps...
  5. Wow another picture of pants within two pages in a thread! What are the odds..
  6. Kirk is wearing a tanned yellow shirt ie Roy’s colour ..so yeah red shirts are under his command .. I kid!
  7. oh yeah, tan is tan and not light brown! Marketing genius!
  8. Yea I admit it’s an odd thot. But am specific to these two brown color schemes in particular. Brown isn’t exactly a attention grabbing color and if having to choose whether a kaki or CF would sell better, I think bandai might just choose 1 which is the CF. Kaki TV color scheme wise, might be too bland for even bandai to try and hype up.
  9. Looking at the dyrl kaki, I keep wondering if bandai would ever think abt releasing a TV kaki. Since TV kaki has similarities with the CF brownies, bandai might not want to double dip into brown valks. And I thk a CF has more chances of a release than a kaki. Oh well.
  10. you guys crack me up!
  11. Once you cut it doesnt patch back quite the same way. just sayin.
  12. Just compromise. Left intake with fan covers and right intake without.
  13. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    muahaha! when you go straight from the airfield to the club
  14. its a saturday night!
  15. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    YF-19 on a saturday nite..
  16. Yes, the DX supers are scheduled for 31st Dec. Cant wait for tamashii nations this October end. Bring on the GBP or 21! Or more likely it might be a 1/48 Max DYRL for early next year?
  17. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    I would have thot that HMR would be an ideal price point for times like this....however don't underestimate the power of macross DX's...
  18. Cmon bandai, release a VF-11!
  19. Now thats a big difference for the plain vs panel lined vf-11. Beautiful work!
  20. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Was there a tease of the Q-Rau in HMR? Am thinking the scout would have more of a chance of being released first as it was just teased last year.
  21. Man, that PF version looks awesome! Still remember the times when the vf-4 was the holy grail of valk collecting. Folks wishing for any 1/60 VF-4 re-issue and dreaming of a FB VF-4, a decade ago. As my budget cant stretch that far, gotta make do with my tiny HMR.
  22. Hmm. weird. This discussion made me revisit zero again. And listening to the M0 soundtrack am beginning to appreciate what kawamori was trying to do. I admit i didnt realise it then when i was younger. M0 might be the macross series my grown up self seemed to be looking for. A more mature macross. Anyway, sorry for the segway, back to the topic.
  23. PITCHFORKS ON. ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ROY IN THERE!! Potential opportunity to be bandai'ed. (Hope that bandai doesnt mix up the pairs of supers and give 2 right facing or 2 left facing supers. From the front shot, looking at the position of the red signal lights on the supers)
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