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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Ok you win. Gave you a like. Oh but if you ignored me you wouldn't have known i gave you a like!? Ok back on topic! i.e. pretending stuff that looks like macross isnt macross!
  2. ANYONE FOR A LEGO VALK? Time to support it? https://ideas.lego.com/projects/abb7ff10-7691-4461-8f95-3040a169ae48
  3. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    I wouldnt mind if bandai releases a destroid 2-pack phalanx and tomahawk. Or even a zentradi and meltradi 2-pack pwer suit. Get it over with bandai!
  4. hahaha so quoted post beats the ignore?? its weird to me, i mean if folks still keep talking abt the post, blanking out posts wont exactly make topics ignored? prob some admins would chime in, in due course...
  5. Yes, thats something i probably need to consider. I havent had any YJ auctions, via FJ, turn bad yet, my thoughts were that PP would provide some protection. Given a 3rd party like FJ in the buying loop though...i suppose being aware of specifics would help buyers.. As for the cat dancing.... lets go..
  6. What does ignore user mean? Is it applicable in DM's only or in postings (which seems weird cos you see what, a blank post?)
  7. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Watch this space come end October for the TN event. Perhaps the first macross release in 2021 would be a HMR scout. You never know when the 620kph winds will turn in the snails favor.
  8. Gotcha. I also always used the basic forwarding plan, but it might be worth to take the precaution with the insurance. But am glad you got your refund anyhow. I hope that it was because the seller was responsible and refunded it, for a case for sticking with good rated sellers. In the heat of hype, checking on seller status can often be overlooked. Happened to me yesterday, but FJ refunded the $ cos the pre-order was apparently sold out. I regretted pulling the trigger cos the seller i ordered from only had 1 other feedback.
  9. So you raised a paypal dispute within 6 months agaisnt FJ? Did FJsay anything that made you think you couldnt get it resolved?
  10. Care to share some light on the yahoo auction which went bust? Any suspicious thing abt the listing and how did you find out it went sour? Might help those going through the same method in future..
  11. Luckily nothing steamy ever happens in macross!
  12. tekering sensei!! subtext: just so happened to be catching up on old slam dunk manga ..whenever anzai appears...
  13. use watercolor paints and solve money by using water instead to dilute it! which is what i did during school painting airplane model kits.. since the goggle part is so small anyway, some dabs of watercolor paint would do the job.
  14. ah yes i understand now sensei.... apologies for my lack of misunderstanding sensei..
  15. but what if you wanted to revert it back to white?
  16. All these postings abt ships reminded me of the titanic movie. And then i saw your pic of steamed windows.... and a plus of kermits hand on the window.
  17. Ah the beauty of macross merch....release a snap on goggle version, or a grey armor version. Sold out sales confirmed and wallets killed.
  18. In South East Asia. No matter, my bottle of future is still full.
  19. oooh good to know there is such a product for loose joints... if only delivery via broom was an option for international...
  20. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    EPIC shots of HMR right here. Wait...what...how did you get 2 reaction missiles mounted on the underside beside the gunpod of the VF-4? Or even missiles on the wing for that matter...! Such a cool arrangement for a display...
  21. Delta had evolution of the zentradi units, mech wise. Or should I say mash-up wise.
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