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Everything posted by seti88

  1. I just gave them a license to disappoint me didn’t I? doh!
  2. Bandai...Don’t you disappoint me on Nov 6th!
  3. Man..how could I have missed this.... ...GULD....DX... get it?
  4. Wait.Wouldn’t a Miria vf-1 be a meltradi special? There goes the q-rau idea as well then! reverse the bubblegum gif! Unless of course it’s just a translation issue!
  5. Maan what are the odds of a 1/48 scale q rau...posing with 1/48 max...inside a custom hangar/city what have you... Ok..am hallucinating now...excited for the possibilities!
  6. you cant kill the junky! also weird they call it arcadia....
  7. A zentradi DX you mean?? wow that would be mind blowing...not to mention $$$ due to their sizes...
  8. And...what does this mean as per namely SDFM, Macross Frontier and Macross Delta.. the latest information on the three Macross series works!
  9. chunky monkey-ish KO?
  10. The most recent zentradi merch would be the HMR scout teased.... but am not calling it yet....could just be a translation error for all I know
  11. Folks are asking why no mention of mac 7?...
  12. https://macross.jp/news/?id=1334 Commemorating the " TAMASHII NATION" festival of soul figures on YouTube "Macross ch" from 20:00 on Friday, November 6 "Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Macross F, Macross Delta DX Chogokin & LIVE Information Zentradi Special!" Delivery is decided! Whuuut?? zentradi special??
  13. Alright! pengroid/pengriod it is! the 5th form of the valkyrie....
  14. penguinroid or pengroids you mean? A contender to the the king pengroids...the SV262? should we decide on the proper designation for penginroid, penguinroid, pengroid?
  15. upvoted! you gotta change ur description since there isnt any downvotes now...
  16. you're probably right...and hopefully new stuff and not just displaying Roy and Supers again as whats next for macross...
  17. https://tamashiination2020.tamashiinations.com/vrl/ ? For macross? haha.... at very least as per site there is a HMR exibition....so hopefully there would be a HMR macross... or perhaps macross is contained in the chogokin/HMR sections...
  18. You're welcome
  19. I have a feeling any point of a season 2, due to the C19 situation, was discarded (Difficulty WFH on an ongoing series). And went ahead with the movie version, which could be completed in one go, rather than ongoing work. Nice ongoing detective work! I wish we could also do a stake-out of the production offices to find out what clues they have in their notes..
  20. Hahah bandai wouldnt be bandai without a controversial tampo design to stir things up! Or maybe Bandai's way of ensuring more PO's would be available. I might be the only one liking the yf-19 tampo on the wings though. Something abt it fitting the prototype test plane theme.. Got it that its not everyone's cup of tea..
  21. ...DX macross collecting.... periods of no sightings, followed by euphoria and ultimately stress F5ing over a 5 min DX chogokin PO.. as for the wait though, i hope bandai takes the time to work out all the kinks in the 21. (standard macross collector answer ) and then gives us a big mispelled tampo.
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