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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Dear bandai, please kill the HMR line for macross. thanks.
  2. Thanks! Didnt realize the out of focus on the iphone was that pronounced, but nevertheless its a great shot. Nice focus and composition on the macross characters as well. Seems something landed on hikaru's head. Ah jolly rogers forever!
  3. sweet! what phone are you using for the shots, btw?
  4. head turner...
  5. Yes it is TWE! I still pysche myself up everytime DX PO's come around, but if it can be gotten comfortably...well...
  6. why pay for expensive effect parts, when you can use candy, eh.
  7. https://shishioh.info/DX_Chogokin_VF-1S_ROY_FOCKER_SPECIAL_3.php Hmm i wonder if @Saburo would be shooting roy...
  8. Not enough excitement in your life eh? Its ok, shows your not too old for this sh!t.
  9. Its bought. Enjoy them. see.. doesnt faze david one bit...
  10. Nice shots @Gundam@EFSF and welcome back! The legioss is the smallest and yet..most expensive?
  11. The TV packs are listed to be as out in december, so not too long now. But with the holiday's and such, maybe the JP folks would be first to try it out and find out..i cant imagine the DYRL arm packs not fitting the TV adapter, but you never know. Worse case, to have the DYRL SSP on Roy's special stand, maybe live with a TV arm pack tucked below, while the rest are DYRL packs. Hahahahahahaha what is the going rate for kidney's nowadays? but what's the deal with yeti? His site is still being listed as being updated.. I havent been following up on that front... i meant letting go of bandai's special stands, not yeti's (which i realise are a nice bonus for those who have bought them before!)
  12. i didnt get the first SSP's, but i dont think they did. Actually, i dont know if the TV part adapters for the special stand fit the DYRL SSP's. So we will need someone who has the DYRL SSP, TV parts and the special stand to check that out.
  13. Who knows, those stands arent complicated...perhaps time will tell... Otherwise, maybe folks using yeti stands, would be willing to part with their special stands...
  14. HAHA I answered my own question...someone did do an adapter like that! it was bandai! Another reason to get the TV super parts set! * Unsure yet tho if the DYRL type arm parts will fit the stand adapter.*
  15. But i can also see where the special stands come into their own.... Since roy has another deeper banking angle, I think there would be possibilities of a criss-cross banking display, with each of their names displayed underneath. oh bandai...if only you did a banking stand for SDFM max as well...
  16. That DYRL version would probably not come with dedicated roy fokker stand tho. Just like hikkies DYRL 1S didnt come with a special stand like hikaru's 1J. of course yeti's stand is still the best...
  17. Here are your money shots folks! Someone may need to come out with a special adapter, if you wanna use the special roy banking stand with the packs though...
  18. err....can roy's head move!? I dont remember that in my other DX's....of course i never tried...
  19. Hmm I seem to catching more details in the 4k version. Especially details in the shadow areas and some highlights seem more controlled. Not saying its superior to the original, as I would be the last person to want to upscale everything. To me, art needs to be appreciated as its created not improved. Still, am not denying that this so called 4k version looks great to me, but i think definitely it has to be seen with a HD capable monitor/TV. Tech does play a role here.
  20. What i like about the SDFM valks main valks are the fact that each doesn't exactly look the same. They seem to have their own character. But still, all part of the macross universe.. Btw, would love to see someone with diorama skills, pull off a roy's head laser cutting a hole in the door, valk display!
  21. HLJ has shipping discount on now! 5% DISCOUNT till 28th 11am JST which closes in an hour!
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