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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Time for arcadia to fill in the 1/100 scale slot since HMR is on hiatus... Premium finish 1/100!
  2. You have some points there. Its up to BW to see how far they want to cooperate, (looks like BW has the upper hand) with HG, to push/pull the old stuff out, in light of macross sequels.
  3. You also got to ask how interested are BW in releasing SDFM blurays and merch in that assumption. Especially in light of macross sequels, that never quite got the chance. A free streaming or two to test waters(?) I dont know honestly. But nevertheless, it sounds like a logical way forward to deal with things moving forward.
  4. As long as the RT movie is still in play, BW has silver bullets filled with holy water.
  5. I suppose if you really want to release the associated design merchandise under BW, you could try it under a flashback banner or something like that. But I thk thats splitting hairs with HG, and my take is that BW and kawamori-san want to move on with macross sequels more, than to try and take down the old RT/HG fort. I would think macross sequels/delta makes BW more $ and has more potential $ than the originals.
  6. hmmmmm, i would say its really doubtful bandai would change anything significant in that area. Its not a deal breaking type of point.. If any i would thk bandai would address arm tab looseness in fighter mode. But this is bandai we are talking abt, i wouldn't hold my breath. If it isnt broken....dont fix it.
  7. were there mistakes with the 1st release? bandai never(?) does re-releases merely for fixing something minor or a perceived defect.
  8. Yeah it goes to sold out as long as you are still logged on with your account after you order. The sold out merely applies to you as its a 1 per account limit.
  9. Yes, the fact that its not region locked, would read to mean, BW isnt concerned abt any HG pushback.
  10. Thats my understanding, yes. First paid, first serve. I might hold off payment until very late tmr, as i perhaps CDJ/HLJ/Ami would join in and offer lower prices...(doubtful, but lets see...) Bandai merely combined the VF-1J and armor set, so probably you would get 2 pilot figs, if they are merely re-releasing the VF-1J valk. The question is whether the special stand will be also ncluded, which i thk is a no.
  11. As part of the recent agreement between BW and HG, " affirming Harmony Gold’s rights to the Robotech franchise " would mean HG's orginal stake is still on-going and recognised. My take is that BW and kawamori-san are more interested in moving forward and focused on dealing with macross related items after 1987, rather than splitting hairs with HG as per the original agreements. Merchandise items that overlap HG, probably would have 'for japan only' stickers/branding. (i.e. upcoming SDFM DX armor and VF-1J bundles). The real test comes when it deals with post 1987 merch....like would you be able to get a YF-21 DX from a stateside distributor?
  12. Huh i must have gotten the last pre-order from AE today...after i checked out, i just refreshed the page a min later and it showed as sold out.. hopefully they will update it again tmr or later for folks.. edit: Its listed again, most likely its out of stock for me only, as its 1 order per account. NO PRE-ORDER MADNESS! ahhh... NOT TOO OLD FOR THIS SH!T....
  13. It says toys are included in worldwide distribution as well, obviously for delta. But should apply to any macross merch after 1987?
  14. Not to mention, we also needz left hand clown hands, so we can have double gunpod poses..
  15. We neeeedzz articulated clown hands stat!!! Gratz! You won a set of GBP steak knifes! Claim from HG!
  16. since it went to a new page, reposting shawn's post, in case anyone missed the fact that the VF-1 can hold the gun-pod with the GBP armor.
  17. Thanks for re-posting the episode...i was wrong on the grey visors not being canon in battroid mode! Had tot hikaru ejected all armor pieces, but its clear he went into the ship in battroid sans-armor with the grey googles on!
  18. wakakaka awesome! bandai is rolling their eyes with text explanation, as if the picture doesn't say enough. satisfied fan-boi's?!
  19. Whoomp! (There It Is) ...Whoomp! (There It Is) Merchandising seems still to be business as usual...
  20. GBP looking good baybeh! Glad they doing a stand alone pack with replacement head. Gargantuan armored gloves check! Something arcadia's reactive armor set needed... But still i wished they gave some other posed hands...no biggie... I wonder if the vf-1's gunpod can somehow be held...which it looks like the forearm armor would block it.... Curious how the bundle would look like and its pricing. No flight stand, but an armor pack this time?
  21. Speculation time......... As a stand alone set 17-18k yen and not more than 23k yen, based on what's released before. Bundle pricing no less than 35k yen.
  22. close ur eyes and it becomes stealth mode!
  23. woah this is another level!
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