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Everything posted by seti88

  1. From a battery charger pod to a laser pointer/pen/thermometer(!) pod... πŸ˜… hmm that fold quartz area still looks a bit iffy...
  2. Grey would be white landing gears, in shadow? 😁 Hmm grey would be nice touch, didnt thk of that... Haha gotcha! Would you consider grey instead? depends on your level of completeness/OCDness...in your collection...
  3. Hmmm what if...bandai used black light paint on the new tron valk.... Pigeon valk! but i would like to see that implemented if possible!
  4. He has quite a few nice pics in his threads... Fell in love with these... Somehow i think black landing gears go with this valk, instead of white. πŸ˜… Not sure if @Lolicon will whiten his...
  5. In my orders page, click on the tab that says in stock ready to ship.
  6. Turning fan blades!
  7. Adding to the pics...manual cover ..
  8. Looking good! Off-hand glance no tampo issues and colors look even!
  9. Can’t decide which set of hands I like better to hold minnay. Yums! MWF photogs start your engines!!
  10. keep developing those skilz! might come in handy in the next live action movie! πŸ€‘πŸ“½οΈ
  11. followed by the sound cue...MENNNN..... Bandaiiii....
  12. bandai's response.........what legs?
  13. hmm that being said....wasnt the vf-31 armored over the shoulder railguns also in a similar vein?
  14. Waiting for pics showing the larger fold quartz in more detail... yea that looks like Windermerean tech in terms of the 262ish gunpod..
  15. bandai messing with the mind, goes and releases the VF-22 instead first...πŸ™ƒ cos you know...year 2022...😁
  16. GIF's need the OST!
  17. Mirage spin-off...she falls in love with a korean boy band member. And through the power of his song, she becomes an ace pilot. But freya passes, and hayate wants to hook up with mirage again. 🀧
  18. No picture on the box back of that gimmick.
  19. Sound effects made the scenes immersive and the sound effect ideas added that touch of realism/relatability to the show. Show also did well in portraying the scale of the battle, and the eyes on the ground perspectives raised the battle tension. Cant wait for the next 2 installments!
  20. Orders on pre-order days open at 4PM JST for the major JP online retailers like ami-ami. Other non mainstream retailers may also open orders before that, but it is a risk on whether your orders will be fulfilled. However lately they also have been fulfilling orders ok. The best thread to monitor PO activity would be in the PO thread pinned in this section..
  21. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Bandai is currently doing it with the VF-1J bundled GBP armor and a seperate GBP pack releases. I get the point wallets may be tighter though during these pandemic times.... Still there are folks whose wallets got fatter too because of the pandemic...depends on how bandai wants to play it, but they have options... Yes a bundle release would be unbelievably priced....cheap!!! If you take a moment to consider what you would be getting....πŸ˜‰πŸ™ƒ
  22. lol i know how you feel.
  23. I zoomed the visual...it looks like a bird/phoenix(?) separated by a light barrier to the new antagonist(?) valk and presenting itself to the squad..
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