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Everything posted by seti88

  1. tesla cybertruck in hotwheels, really makes me thk tesla got the design idea from visiting a knock off toy market in chinatown...🀣
  2. Wow...thats another level...hot idea for a PG indeed! Or if bandai dares to do a metal build with internals! heck why wait for bandai....
  3. Are the neon lines energy flow or something like that? even down to the fingers?
  4. Bandai: noooo...even the fingers need tampo?!? Looks like DECEPTICON symbol on the shoulders? 🀣 Its not...but that would be a cool custom...
  5. like the upcoming movie...new trailer! posted in the movie section...
  6. if bandai came out with a detachable box gimmick for the armor as well, that would price the combo set even better! Eject armor box display!😁 For now, once box detached with x-acto knife gimmick, reattachment with UHU glue/cellotape gimmick!
  7. Just follow Macrossworld for the scoops! Event wise, due to the HG/BW situation, Macross showcases, are mainly centered around toy fair events in JP. So, July and Oct/Nov for TN. Am not sure if that changes soon with the HG/BW so called peace treaty, but bandai doesnt seem to be playing along those new lines yet.
  8. Just follow Macrossworld for the scoops! Event wise, due to the HG/BW situation, Macross showcases, are mainly centered around toy fair events in JP. So, July and Oct/Nov for TN. Am not sure if that changes soon with the HG/BW so called peace treaty, but bandai doesnt seem to be playing along those new lines yet.
  9. It will probably go higher? i dont know, dont @ me..πŸ˜‚
  10. *dreams* I hope someone makes this and whacks bandai for not getting down to it. But if bandai decides to do a stampede version (add-on or otherwise, thats another story) for a 1/48, well i will consider it.
  11. Yeah what he said..
  12. Not to mention the reason macross (or movie franchises) exist.....to sell merchandise....πŸ˜πŸ˜„
  13. Probably the weather. Or its that time of the month. where there is a new delta movie, so delta valks rule.
  14. Ohhh i so do not want an alaska base version...πŸ™ƒ Hope there is a tampo 'Alsaka Bas'. Perfect πŸ˜„
  15. Or a TV VR?
  16. Huh completely forgot that few months back, the figure king's magazine scan on macross had a VF-1 VR as an insert box...hmmmmmmm.....
  17. Lol gotta have delta valks for bandai to milk the delta crowd. 🀣 How abt franken HMR...HMR-R? Renewerest renewal πŸ€‘ Now with improved tampo all over! Oops I need to say I don’t want no DX YF-21. Ya hear me bandai!!πŸ€ͺ
  18. The DX December release is taken up by the VF-31AX. Whether its going to be a DX as a first macross release next year, i think that would be answered by the upcoming TN2021 event in early November. Will have to see what else bandai would tease in the macross series. Maybe HMR? or not. On the DX front, with the new delta movie coming out, quite likely there would be delta valks again. Wallet is still holding out for the YF-21 tho.
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