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Everything posted by seti88

  1. 😄 My wallet is happy Noel.
  2. I have 2 shipping column's, one in yen and one in local, to account for currency fluctuations. Have.not.been.keeping.it.updated. Sigh.
  3. Looks a bit like arad's old vf31 ride for a moment there... oh how i wish the black aces vf-1 shown at the side was a DX as well..
  4. haha...giving or receiving? can only think of 1 valk that has a romantic theme..😁 but to that special someone, who gifts valentines day valks........remember to tell her/him abt your b'day and anniversary day's too.🤣 🥰🥰
  5. You hit the nail on the head, on the variety of valk (or even every mecha) colors in SDFM. That had a big impression on me. On the wait, i wouldnt mind a brownie release next. If Bandai could turn the 1/48 VF-1 into a christmas release valk only, I thk that would be a nice change....sort of having that special VF-1 expectation every year end.. that would be setting up a whole new generation of christmas valks under the tree.... ......or the same christmas picture but now with grown women/men opening presents...🤣😂
  6. 1/48 DX VF-1 brownie...
  7. 🥰 https://www.instagram.com/p/CVHG2d2lyZi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CVPFLG7BBJd/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  8. If you are referring to 1/48 vf-1 releases, that gap might be wider now that delta valks are coming out. So it is a bit of a breather yes, but will see if bandai teases the TV kaki or even the rest of the SDFM squad too in next month's TN event... WELCOME TO VALKAHOLICS ANONYMOUS! I think that question has been covered in what is your fav valk? or If you could only get one valk threads somewhere.... Doesn't matter... if you cant decide, let the pics do the talking....courtesy of one Super enabler... consider yourself saburo'ed! (in a stars in your eyes way)😁
  9. Missile controller antennae.😄
  10. Hahahaha....she gonna whistle the missile...
  11. Just 1 or 2....oh the memories of an innocent time....🤧
  12. promo pics for the GBP are sick!
  13. Might even go for a second Imax viewing but to choose a middle of the theater seat instead. I chose a higher up seat (read backrow) before but top of audience heads kept creeping into my line of sight at the bottom edge.
  14. IMAX awesomeness but the sound was tad too loud at times until you could feel the chair vibrate.. For those who played ye olde dune 2 on the PC, there is a certain harvester scene which will bring back memories. 😄 Overall, very very visually befitting sci-fi. Did I say very? Greig Fraser (?) shld win an award for this..
  15. i was just thinking how cool it would be if....and here it is!
  16. aww was hoping for a longer YMCA dance move ..nice vid! dont forget TV Max in the next SDFM TV valk lineup!
  17. If its any consolation, we might be going for another round of, will the new supers fit the old 31 or vice versa questions...🤖🔄
  18. Macross re-issues for bandai are rare. Even if it looks like a rerelease, something in there differentiates it. Like the recent yf-29 full pack, which wasnt a full pack previously. Furthermore, since bandai releases 1 macross product per release, and they go by months in the year, there isnt much room to re-issues. This again may change with the HG/BW landscape, but unless there are more release slots....meh...
  19. I have a feeling the train has passed on anything related to the original 31 valks. The hot potatoes now are the 31AX valks. Don't see bandai revisiting the older delta movie just to complete bits and pieces.
  20. It has the most beautiful right tail amongst all the DX valks. 100 percent bandai perfection. Some say is so perfect they were thinking of knocking 001 percent off its tail score.
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