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Everything posted by seti88

  1. I remembered TN being in October! This is before the pandemic made everything out of whack.
  2. https://tamashii.jp/special/tamashii_nation/ 20 days to hold?? Did wonder why its held so late this year....and for a virtual event furthermore shld have no venue/set-up constraints...
  3. Good in the sense, the beginning and the 50 years will have a linkage. But yes, not good if its a lazy half assed storyline just meant to create more merchandising opportunity. Hmmm. No comments. 🤷‍♂️😁
  4. The older generation went through things we can only imagine how they lived through it. Hearing abt your grandfather, he must have had plenty to share with the family. Memphis belle is one of my fav movies too. But sometimes it gets difficult to re-watch, esp the plane downing's...
  5. oh man! it was her??? Always admired those drawings as well, such a cute and different spin, but yet retaining the essence of macross... sigh...
  6. Hmmm i wonder if the next macross adventure would involve megaroad-1....all these chatter and max appearing again suggests maybe a re-visit may be due... Yes i know abt kawamori-san's penchant for not re-visiting old stories... would megaroad-1 appearing on a 50th anniversary of macross would be too good to pass up?....10 years to build up this story!......
  7. Used to load up stealth and top gun whenever i/or my friends got new TV's or hi-fi speakers..😂
  8. torrent link? what is that? nudge nudge wink wink.... anyway isnt the in thing nowadays streaming? oops 🙊
  9. hahaha congrats!
  10. Selling either the 1J or armor set from the combo set means, either selling the 1J/armor loose, cut the beautiful combo box with it or selling with a one side empty combo box. The combo set is also a display piece, ie. 1J on one side and armor on the other, for an open box display. Whether or not, folks want to display it that way is another story but to hard core collectors, the combo set is a piece on its own.
  11. And the same trailer in engrish. I dont know, I seem to be more invested in it when its a japanese voiceover...wwwwwww... Perhaps it will be the other way with japanese folks wanting to see it in english with kanji subtitles....😃
  12. I agree with you!! Btw, i hope there would be a chance to see this with japanese voiceovers! The JP trailer has a certain vibe when they speak in japanese....
  13. Perhaps it has something to do with the Air jenius logo colors that mirage has on her valk this time around 🤷‍♂️ So mirage's 'Red' will natch correspondingly the red/blue Air Jenius colors... *Speculation till able to view the movie...* hmmm....is the valk jenius logo color inverted? Or maybe the hanger has a different logo take...as in blue wing on the right/red wing on the left... minor detail i suppose.....mirage's valk doesn't really say air jenius anyway...
  14. wasn’t her color supposed to be magenta-ish? Some didn’t like it too red..
  15. I dont see much differences on the legs or the back fuselage, so i have a strong feeling its interchangeable with the 31 charger pods.
  16. awesome!!! nostalgia road trip time!!!
  17. Say...the armored packs come with leg pockets don’t they...😄
  18. Wow. Looking better than I tot.
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