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Everything posted by seti88

  1. I know its a toy, but those thin joint connectors are so obvious in this pic... maybe not the best angle for a promo pic...Open up!
  2. I would be royally pissed if the reactive armour works with the old yamato roy...which meant i could hv gotten the old yammie... arcadia wouldnt do that...would they? oh well they wouldnt tell us now if they it could........
  3. Of all the pics this caught my eye....i like the vents detail on the cheeks.. perfect for line marking ... that aside i hope the actual model would be impressive...i admit am only in it for the reactive armour pairing...
  4. lots (and i mean lots!!) of close up pics at hobby search..... content section especially... http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10344021n8/40/8 preview till ur hearts content!
  5. you can shout yahoo in a 19 but try doing that in a 21 with ur thumbs pressed together....you probably go into a tailspin! on the other hand you can probably eat a sandwich in the 21 while flying whilst in the 19 u gotta have both hands on the joystick... sorry, channelling some isamu logic ..*wakes up*
  6. what would add insult to injury is 'IF' the rates improve drastically next few weeks...but btr secure this hot cake first...plus you wouldnt know if its worse rates ... ok time to plan for vf-0s and the reactive.... ...
  7. Finally got the payment request too!
  8. Thats good to hear! I did email them too but of course they naturally say pay now and receive your item later! Good to hear no major complaints with em... Sorta wished paid beforehand when the rates were btr but hey the currency wars isnt something you can accurately predict...
  9. Just realised i didnt get any email to pay on my pre-order with Nippon Yassan. I emailed them and they said email to ask for payment should be out soon... Should i pay anyway beforehand, or would there be instances i cant get my money back should they not have stock...
  10. Nice! i hope its old boosters and not there is a new one incoming...
  11. wow its hard to pick a favorite, cos they all are favorites in their own particular way. Ok going old skool here...I would say roys vf-1s and the vt-1 super ostrich ranks up on my list. vf-1s with its colors and insignia with strike pack just screams dont even thk of messing with me. the ostrich for its colors, double boosters (big is beautiful) plus that one of a kind head! corny but still the only clip i can find with both of the aircraft in.... On the destroid front its got to be the phalanx with the iconic M ...you just know its M for Macross! (and then it opens up and all those missiles!)... edited ostrich name
  12. @saburo not only are you tempting me to get more valks but also more photo gear ......no worries...keep on shooting!
  13. Purple yam ...purple yam...*sung to the tune of purple rain*
  14. This is the macross version of the blue or gold dress debate ...
  15. hehe...is there some way to ask mr kawamori for a final definitive answer? Does the buck stop with him?
  16. My tot on it the word 'better' in the poll is open-ended. There are many aspects such as articulation, design, robustness, color, desirability, symbolism, price, rarity that make a toy better or more appealing to a collector. Some may place importance on one over the other. I would take charm as a merit on its own (although it may not be so important to anyone else), i do get your point a toy should be judged on its own merits and try not to involve non-factors. My point as sometimes those non factors influence one's preference over the other and as such are a factor, although not apparently paid most attention to. Nothing is exactly similar and sometimes little things such as preferring a kite over an SMS sticker can tilt it. Perhaps am thinking too much over my purchases
  17. From a display/collection perspective it would make some sense. There is always the pull factor or charm of the toy itself. Sure, visually some may like the extra tampo/boosters but over time that excitement may fade, whilst you may pick out the YF out of your display again just to try drawing that dragon in the sky. Plus if arcadia releases an updated YF-21, i think the YF-19 would definately hold the edge over the advanced. Displaying the advanced against a YF-21 doesnt quite have the same kick. Am not saying design and engineering arent important, however there is that certain appeal of a toy that may play a role as well. Deep thinking aside, i didnt like how the boosters looked attached to the legs in battaroid mode/or how fidgety it was to transform, so i would choose the arcadia for its hassle free play.
  18. i thk there is another angle in comparison...the fact that yf-19 is a proper lead mech in a beloved ova, whilst the other is a 5-sec? appearance that came out of nowhere....just felt it was in there just for bandai to sell a 19 version.... should you not have the 19 variant yet....i would go with the yf-19 just because of the spirit of Mplus.
  19. the red reflectors on the nose are too thin! and should be dark red not vermillion! noooo.......
  20. I thk even the old yamato vf-0a wasnt anime accurate in colors (the black stripes on wings/arms)...guess its a toss up which one you wanna get or upgrade...
  21. can i ask the guru's... it looks like white stripes across the arms are anime accurate? (ending scenes where shin meets sara via naked valk) this is opposed to roy's which has black stripes...
  22. @saburo awesome!! MMA - mixed mecha arts showdown hehe.. really brings out the differences in head sculpt doesnt it...precival looking more brutish with the shoulders whilst the 30 looks more nimble... Love those leg comparisons the intakes on the percival and the muscular 30 looking like he is gonna start kicking soon... thumbs up!!
  23. saburo that double stance is simply badass!! double thumbs up!! the percival/30 combo rocks..i like the how they compliment each other... i wonder if one face's off each other but focused on the heads only like a boxing poster... apologies in advance as its not a request but only a tot...
  24. Bringing up the yf-30 makes me wonder which numbers they will use next (prob odd no's but still how far a leap...2 digits 3 digits...single digit?)..
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