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Everything posted by seti88

  1. whats left in M0 arcadia hasnt done? 0b,0c? Cheyenne? The f-14? Theres got to b something after the reactive...
  2. Plus oh goodness...the pointed wing ends could end up being forearm blades of some sort.... I need to map out the areas in a pic and see if i can identify the parts better...
  3. Just notticed on the new closeup both topside and bottomside flaps are now there at the end of the wing.Could these be Somehow be ankle protectors when the thrusters become feet? the whole vent section above the back flaps could be a gigantic lower leg flares should it rotate downwards to Meet the feet..as trump says......thats uuuuuugggggeeeee Whats the use seperating top and bottom sets of back flaps in flight anyway? Shouldnt all in one be better?
  4. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    whoa phew...i thought that there was news relating to isamu and delta until i read further back into the thread... tho delta is not far off from frontier in timeline....?
  5. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    I thk the 1/100 would look great placed in between the larger 1/60 scales, to make display's look more interesting with contrast of sizes... Think of it as complementing and enhancing the macross vibe!
  6. hey wait a smooth underside, engine thrusters that are together, intakes as shoulder pads, head unit that seems to be hidden.... the draken needs a nice transformation sequence...
  7. well of course not too sure abt the VF-19 kai tho....
  8. seti88

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    there is always hope! after all what is a1S other than a new head and repaint.. Likely the sales of the first will drive the rest... I also hope that its legs are tight enough to stand on its own! I thk securing it would need to be thought out so it wont topple over but yet will not interfere with the overall display..
  9. Wow yeti,awesome shots! You are opening up a whole new way to display here... I can imagine painting the wall (blue skies, moving ground) which would instantly bring out the display with background! Or a mirror solution with a gap in the center where the wall mount goes, to show off the undersides of the valks flying on the wall.. nice!
  10. We need more proof! We need the extended directors cut edition!!!
  11. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    whoever is going next year, remember ... stealth camera or long zoom! Their no photography policy is most likely to encourage ppl to go to the events, instead of trawling the net for......oh......OK. Pardon me..
  12. two legs but a single thruster? x-wing did it! tho whether its two halves or 2 full rings joined closely together, is anyone's guess. We need a zoomed in directly behind the nozzle picture to confirm this!
  13. 2 words. pre-order madness. Thats one sexy paintjob and sculpt!! Looks like it fits together very well!
  14. seti88

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    thank you for the nice laugh , autocorrect!
  15. tochiro, you just made my saliva glands act up with ur statement! plus you got to spend some close up time with it .... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aether_(classical_element) aether means pure or fresh skies...fits the hero valk nicely...am not sure if it would be adressed as the VF-31 aether version...
  16. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    From MW FB page...tenjin-san's signature and close up of one of the insignia,...Skull with batwings..
  17. Just watched gundam IBO ep 5 and dammit!! am getting emotionally attached to the characters....
  18. seti88

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    easy with google translator! 変換!! henkan!! thats taking valk fetish to another level!
  19. thats an avatar (hair) and macross plus (brainwaves) rehash! hey but if it works it works... I would rather think of it like having fold powers tho...like they can activate space fold anytime...and ...warp in weapons!
  20. seti88

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    waiting to see the 1/35 gunpod that fires bb's! or an internal lighted up instrument cluster.....swoon.....
  21. The pointed ends of the draken pilots hair look a bit like Plus the fact they named the draken with anti-UN desigs...SV....should be link to the past somewhere... more questions than answers!
  22. Magenta area for shoulders do seem so, looking at how the insignia is tampo'ed at the side of the valk instead of facing upward (which normally r the cases!). Nice catch scyla on that. It would be awesome to have a shoulder patch, looking even more beefier now! The lower blue part i suspect could be the arm! Due to the single thruster config, the legs would require centralisation, and if the lower blue is a leg, then the legs would be gigantic! I cant see where the arms would slot to if that is the case, leaving me to believe that it most likely the arm/wrist area. All said, how do the flaps sit in part of the arm or leg! Agree with you also that maybe the head unit would be underside.. Weird all this discussion on beefy/arms/legs is giving me a strange vibe... The 262 wing stripes look like zentradi pockets!!! hmmm.,,you may hv a point there, now with the european castles backdrop...a german influence?
  23. This draken looks like he would be wearing boots with piston like joints facing forward...a bit Frankenstein-ish perhaps?
  24. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Go mandarake online I mean... You can browse at ur leisure and it covers many mandarake branches across JP.
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