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Everything posted by seti88

  1. イプシロンセカンド ‏@epsilon2025 3h3 hours ago @Mrk_arcadia アーマーパーツの発売を0S買って心よりお待ちしてます!( ̄^ ̄)ゞ ところでアーマーが再来年ということは、来年は何か別の完全新規製品を作る予定だったりするのでしょうか? Translated from Japanese by BingWrong translation? @Mrk_arcadia Launch of the armor parts 0s bought and are looking forward to welcoming you!! (¯ ^ ¯) Armor or even after that will make something else completely new products next year by the way what? LIKE1 3:22 PM - 4 Dec 2015 · Details Reply Retweet Like More みすたーK@ARCADIA ‏@Mrk_arcadia 47m47 minutes ago @epsilon2025 う~ん、有るかも無いかも…。ガーランドを考えていますがね…。 Translated from Japanese by BingWrong translation? @epsilon2025 By ~, there is also no. There are considering the Garland. 5:46 PM - 4 Dec 2015 · Details Garland?!!!!!
  2. red striped lasers party!
  3. Either that or the reactive is getting incredible QC!
  4. Are you planning to catch valks in the wild with that focal range saburo?hehe
  5. Am also under the same impression that it would be next year, so am puzzled why he would say 17, unless he mistyped..
  6. みすたーK@ARCADIA ‏@Mrk_arcadia 1h 1 hour ago @take894 アーマーの発売は2017年ですので、ヨロシクです。 Translated from Japanese by BingWrong translation? @take894 Armor release is in 2017, so recent it is. From Mr K's discussion tweet with someone on the 0S, he mentions armor is coming out in 2017! Is that a slip on an actual armor or a bundled, i wonder! It cant be that long for an armor release?
  7. haha mr K is trolling us with a non bum hip
  8. Maybe the execs felt insecure that noone would care abt supes and daredev...i mean bats...and they just had to throw in the kitchen sink in a trailer...IT would hv worked a lot btr as an in movie surprise that you had to see the movie to see what ww and doomie looks like...
  9. Nice comparison with the is that the Gff? And the HG? as well, efsf!
  10. Either that or doomsday just appears for 2 minutes, just to end the 'versus' story. Either way, yeah why show your hand so early in the game...
  11. all good man, its the stylish vogue minmay! u gotta show her the way you like it!
  12. haha i missed the multiple swaying minmays too when noel replies all threads at one go.... *hynotic btw i thk gotta get used to peeps calling no3ljm noel too...
  13. I nd to stop popping into this thread..my wishlist is growing! dang thats awesome!
  14. Plus if they did stencil it, they would have a wastage on the sticker sheet which also has UNspacey. And i dont thk they would spend money to reprint new set of sticker sheets just for the 0s. Consistancy is the way to save costs after all. Am also not sure if they purposely leave markings out so that customers can have the option of having a naked or sticker filled valk....some like them (i mean valks!) naked aww dancing swaying minmay where have you gone....
  15. looking at image 2 intently, for all the good that's gonna do. All the leg parts laid out, i cant tell if they reshaped the half ball tho. it looks a little tapered on the flat side now. I cant tell. What say you folks?
  16. Not to mention the tray is the wrong shade of blue!! Well, even in baseball you have 3 strikes....play ball! its a tightrope though...
  17. as per translated.. [-Views from China ~] more recently had traveled to China in charge of our development "Ishizuka"! Soon VF-0S will be released final inspection! It works hard to make better products! A bit more to your fingertips! Please stay tuned! #マクロス ※ Only one Chinese gourmet Photo Normally they dont go to the extent of tweeting half assembled products, so hopefully they are more serious abt QC...otherwise its just promotional damage control. Of course, the final proof is in the pudding.
  18. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    My only wish is that bandai finally releases a metal hi-metal.
  19. You made me look twice...but mail says christmas day ...
  20. Got an email too looks like the 0s is a christmas day release!
  21. Interesting topic, madox does rank up there frm the anime perspective. To add to that thk the mechs/landmates from appleseed had also an element of realism to it. Its basically and armored shell mimicing the wearers movements. realism helps to spice things up, cos its easier to imagine yourself pilting it if you somehow know how it works however if we went down the realism route i thk most mechs would end up the same, as realistically it doesnt deviate from the mimic pilot's movement concept.
  22. Prob thinking how to price it right with those gigantic shield, boosters, legs, missile pack... yea they should do the same, like they roll out the 00 main bots not too far apart...
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