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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    oh i should have put in the spoiler tags! its quite nice tho
  2. wmkjr ....nice panel lines and pose!
  3. animator 1: ok i have done the design for the enemy commander suit. animator 2: congrats. lets celebrate! animator 1 and 2 in bar: bottoms up! glug glug glug glug.. animator 1: writes name of mech on napkin............glaug........*passes out*...
  4. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    D02's head antenna looks like a nose with the vents forming the eyes. There seems like a face at the back of the cockpit in fighter mode and its saying ooooooooooo!
  5. yea he was in origins, but when an actor plays the lead hero somewhere else, i find i have to make myself believe he is in a different role now... Similarly when superman starts fighting bat........hey that's DD!! The other recent hero i could transition easier with was Chris Evans....Captain America/Human Torch, partly because HT wasnt a sole lead....
  6. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    true it shld fit the others, perhaps a reason to get the D03 is for the accesories it comes with... Probably an indication as well, where future super/strike/tornado packs would sit. Seems quite a weight sitting on the wing tips tho.... No probs, now you know what to save up for
  7. nice arrangement gundam...its the incredible shrinking valk!
  8. always disliked having to use a phone to control ur toy....now there may be this.. http://www.techradar.com/news/wearables/sphero-s-force-band-lets-you-control-bb-8-like-a-jedi-1312229?utm_content=buffer20ca1&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  9. Hmm i have a feeling with so many characters it may end up like a friends sitcom(cue music)... hayate+freyja, messer+mikumo, mirage + keith...
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The walkure factor...... example imagine the possibilities of toy display!! Did @Saburo influence kawamori in any way? Sorry for the ramble.... btw I thk its nice of david to summarise the fan fav's so far...altho i think it would be difficult to track once the series get started, cos tastes may change depending on events in the show... which will become the hottest vf31 valk around..or it may end up all of them are similarly hot or not ummm MACROSS NEXT TOP MODEL! MNTM! judged by MWer's!!! arggh am rambling even more...blame the VAR syndrome
  11. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    What are you comparing? just bits and pieces here and there on the three modes minus 05 of course...
  12. been out of the loop ...i didnt know channing tatum is gambit!!! and for a moment there i wondered if green lantern somehow appeared in xmen!
  13. This site mentioned macross delta anime starting in winter 2016... http://www.senpaigamer.com/news/macross-delta-episode-1-2-screening-event-japan-march-21-01042016-1103 So are the March/April 2016 dates this year just for episode 1/2 and then another break till winter? Am confused..
  14. the elder brother was also bigger in the sitcom so this is a case of everybody loves roy-mond....
  15. an evil walkure....hmmm interesting.... that would be a earth-2 of evil valks and heroic drakens perhaps in the far future...
  16. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yes bring on the new ghosts, drones and sniper rifle! Tho frontier's rifle is pretty hard to beat design wise. Also looking forward for any reactive armor or what they can come up with for a super valk! I just hope they dont go p-bandai and sell recolors of different containers as well!
  17. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    the transformation of the delta 05 - vf31 at the end of the delta trailer also reveals a gunpod like shape in the valks right hand after transformation to battroid. This suggests that both the 04 and 05 would have the gunpod as part of their pod system. Whether or not this is the default system when the walkure are in field(due to the valks supporting them) remains to be seen. So far the other pod seems to be an energizer. However i wont be surprised if there is a sound speaker or similar function mounted on one of the valks! After all they are staging a concert! So which valk would it be on...lol...
  18. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I would hav tot arads 01 would easily make first choice as a fav on most fans list. Scheme has dashes of color plus a cool emblem. Not to mention he is squad leader. I thk the toss up is 02 or 04 for second place. Of course we don't know abt the weapon loadouts yet so that may change preferences. Would any super packs be more like M7 sound speaker-ish or frontier super/tornado....
  19. thats how arcadia gets to sell more of the same last yammie 0s version there was no kite on the nose, now there is and soon in future there will be UN spacy on legs. but that would be a way way future....maybe after another name change..
  20. Not sure if this has been discussed somewhere but found a tweet from jp modellers abt a HWR- monster kit from wave... Just posting in case anyone can translate the description in the pic. I have no idea if this is new or old.
  21. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    i think the more adventurous would take 03,04,05 valks and stick whatever decals on the fuselage top, as the area is practically an empty canvas waiting to be filled.
  22. saburo + 0s?
  23. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    nice post of the 31 close up, IXTL! Looks like the back of the legs has seams that would open up to reveal storage. ...and i still dont see any hatches for landing gear! There are some recessed black holes on the front of the leg, i wonder if it does anything. was hoping to catch some zooms on the bottom of the nose in fighter mode for further confirmation if there is a opening for landing gear there.
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