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Everything posted by seti88

  1. It says its a renewal version.
  2. Moar pics to get the heart pumping! http://www.1999.co.jp/blog/1602242 Valks looks quite detailed dont they with the panel lines? The brownies look real gritty... I like the way they decal the fuel trucks with the kite hehe.... Just wonder what colors are the actual afterburners on the 1S, but the glow on the thrusters looks cool...
  3. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Noice! thanks for the post sh9000....still no pics on it utilising the back plate although we know it can drop down... Sigh if only the price could drop down too...
  4. +1 for flop test for the flop test video for the result
  5. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    hmm i guess they would have to tilt the monster at a 45 degree angle so the plate reaches the ground? Or does an arm unfold more to lower it further down? I cant remember how exactly it was articulated..
  6. As far as i can tell; Sharper head unit and longer antennae. canisters on the shoulders and bottom leg covers. And different color. Looks a lil more nimble mechanoid...
  7. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Is there a lowering of the back plate gimmick for a more stable firing stance?
  8. My Mecha goodness...there is a renewal leynos kit coming out. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10372031a7/20/7 Throw in a camo paintjob or mod it...yums!
  9. woooaaaahhhh me likey! Bring back the bulk! Plus liking the splashes of red too!
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Heheh... the landing gear discussion pages back... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=43115&page=21 They didnt reveal it during winterfest either so its still pretty much wait and see on an actual prototype with gears out..
  11. Many valks and many schemes..where to begin... I guess with something that could fit in either in space or earth... Am not sure if i could even qualify one as a favourite, esp when you check out all the schemes in the masterfile books as well. But you got me thinking abt it...
  12. 1/144 destroids, strike packs and launch arms ...am sure there will be many fans buying it... and instead of those airport ground blocks, carrier ground blocks w catapults... Cmon tomytec you can do it!....urgh ..rant...
  13. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

  14. Kewl panel lines...looks like a copic marker used?
  15. mark your calendars! http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/blade-runner-2-we-now-know-when-the-sequel-will-be-released-a6884331.html
  16. It suddenly occured to me as well...we might have another round on the blue-ishness of the armor....
  17. enjoy........http://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12130530708.html mentions is as a seperate release but they are mulling the possibility of a set release Oh oh peg detected on shoulder armor. further back diagram That looks to be pegging to the back of the backpack...hmmm.. i think the hasegawa kit doesnt.. I guess if its for stability of balance of the missle pack on the sholders it wont be that much of a biggie...however for those who want anime accuracy...
  18. like a cresendo of drums
  19. shhh DEA may be on the thread... its not a toy its a gum dispenser.....
  20. Who moved my VF-2SS?? that aside, i thk battroid and fighter from top still look acceptable..
  21. Ooo a trangle love story between Maria-Ace and Ellen... I would pay to see that
  22. Ah must have missed the YF-19 story, thought he tweets after stages of completed parts. i think we will have a magnetic grenade grip...size of the tab on the grenade pocket looks similar to the size of the tab for the gunpod.. mic drop pose anyone?
  23. Arcadia's new strategy...sell stands and release accesories to fit on it!
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