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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Normally not into baddies with funny helmets but the kimaris trooper looks real cool....
  2. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    awww those pics bring a warmth to your heart...like a boy and his lil regult war machine...
  3. Only in for the special effects. Nothing will beat the original and that includes ghostbusters 2! joking aside, will give it a benefit of the doubt, it looks fun...
  4. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Think its more of the pricing, cos there has been a slew of HMR releases and in my case, the arcadia's 0S burnt a hole in my wallet...
  5. Whats that?
  6. Maybe he is trolling bandai since bandai showcased the breetai with a pipe...except he didnt quite have an actual breetai..
  7. Mr K just tweeted this the same day this thread came up! んで息抜き。 約1/60でブリタイさんのタテカン作成。 写真はVF-0S添え。
  8. Mr K what are you getting at?? from his tweet... 約1/60でブリタイさんのタテカン作成。 写真はVF-0S添え。
  9. no worries, its just a term thats all....i could be wrong too so correct me if am wrong gundam!
  10. LOL..small potato i.e. small fry..i.e. grunt...i.e. CF ....and no i dont thk he meant mr potato..
  11. seti88

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    Boy that reminds me of a video posted in the music thread before by sh9000.. only thing he didnt buy more stuff..lol...
  12. seti88

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    gee what dont you have?! now i wanna get that too!
  13. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha if only spraying it with water would get you an shark mouth regult! Bandai could list that as the ultimate 'gimmick'! And if one of your valks go missing you would know which regult did it!
  14. Man...should i wait for a 1/100 version ..or to a even greater extent an MG....
  15. Ooo thats a nice scale! Hmm revoltech eh...
  16. Lol i wish that pic could make it to the MW front page... As for the 4G maybe he could do another disco pose.... sorry for the diversion!
  17. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for mentioning..yeah they did...http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/?showtopic=37500&page=3 All bandai has to do is to release one with different decals then! Hoping for a shark mouth regult, since bandai did release valks macross 30th! have the regult in the squat pose and you get a gremlin!
  18. seti88

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    doesnt come with pilot..pre-order cancelled!
  19. Geez you would thk there is a bridal bouquet throw.......*ahem* *lines up* :rolleyes: and there goes tthe 4G thru the air in slo mo...
  20. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    saw this on MW front page...it would be awesome if some of the more creatively gifted did something like this for the HMR regult... tho am not sure how you will get twin thrusters on ... another wish list entry for bandai! are you listening bandai?
  21. Cant wait till the hobo changes into his gonna take care of business suit... the 4G looks like a 70's disco dancer with bell bottom jeans.... but its all good!
  22. I must say the VF-1 has a glowing complexion compared to the others.
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