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Everything posted by seti88

  1. RIP to a legend. The O.G. I was first exposed to his work on crisis and teen titans. And then onto wonder woman....etc.. Amazing amazing art. Power packed panels. The face expressions in the death of the flash - crisis #8 will stay with me forever... https://marswillsendnomore.wordpress.com/tag/george-perez/ has a nice collection of perez body of work.. RIP sir.
  2. I saw a top gun trailer before the dr strange movie started and it seemed to not be like any of the other trailers shown before. There were much more aerial combat scenes between tom and the squad, with the push-ups as punishment. It was awesome with the wingman trying to tag tom whilst dogfighting with the other f-18! i dont know if that was an exclusive trailer...i cant seem to find it anywhere!
  3. ARMY OF DARKNESS + SAM RAIMI + MARVEL = DR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS. action from start till end. i would rate it 4 out of 5. most thematically jarring from the usual marvel movies..
  4. The way bandai showed the vf-0 last year but no sign of any release dates for it, shows how much bandai are into HMR. HMR MF for that matter would probably need to wait till HMR M0 gets out of the way first too...
  5. because of this....https://www.instagram.com/p/CciUY-3v7c0/ maybe this will be next/soon release? edit: what a coincidence to rank up to bomba on this post!
  6. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcIoBXDLey-/ sv-303 3D modelled... and also, hope there will be a release of a non-tron looking SV-303 by bandai....
  7. ....its not polite to stare at the person by the port out in the midday(?) sun, with his toys ..**walk faster** j/king ...awesome!!
  8. Huh didnt notice before, but alto's 29 also has additional black stripes elements below the cockpit... .....all which looks like tribal tattoos all over alto's 29... hmmm...
  9. Finally, the perceval has got its supers!! ...buy 1 max and get the perceval supers free.😄 cos well....they are both blue themed valks...so yeah....
  10. Finally! Different camera and angle...it looks more magenta-ish not pink...
  11. I see. Yeah i forgot the tomahawks had different colored missile covers. Probably also the message are for those who would mistake the actual product to come naked without stickers ...lol...
  12. ^This!
  13. I wonder how much "different" will the product be from the test shots..
  14. I see ur X-men intro, and i raise the COPS intro. miss demeanor...LOL...
  15. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The 31J kai is supposedly the nicer colour scheme with added complementary black stripes/areas with blue, plus the reaper unicorn emblem which the 31j didn’t have...so maybe is better displayed as is/with supers instead of the armor visually taking away most of the kai’s special colour scheme. But nothing stopping misc pairings if one wishes....
  16. On tamashii's page still says May for the WWM...... looks like macross releases now will be around the last days of the months instead...
  17. yup. where is full frontal (still cant get over that stupid name) when u need him. but it will take more than a robot to tackle wealth inequality.
  18. Huh i havent noticed, but it seems May has 2 Macross releases?! The WWM and 31AX supers.... And mirage being right at the edge of April, She will be in stores in May too.... 3 Macross products in shops in May!
  19. Its the age of the unicorns... kawamori-san must have been telling us something with hayate's emblem...🤪
  20. OOOOH YEAH!! THATS WHAT AM TALKING ABOUT! The only way it would suck is if there werent enough flight scenes!!🤪 Dont really care abt the backstories (which seems to be a re-hash of the original scene by scene!!) hmm feel like somehow bringing/renting a flight helmet into the cinema and putting it on during the flight scenes... apologies to the fella sitting behind. 😅
  21. and...not even a prototype of mirage to be seen. still stuck in a port somewhere. maybe.
  22. What can we do but to adapt/learn to swim. Easier said/done yes, nimbleness would be a key strength i think. Economies are starting to fully open at the same time and lift pandemic restrictions...maybe that will help things along...however thats a risk too as evident with shanghai at the moment... Now you mentioned supply-chain, yeah that might explain mirages's delay.. Every challenge presents opportunities at the same time.
  23. hehe....Top gun was made for IMAX and theater speakers! 😅 I cant wait!!
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