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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Aww i tot that was spoilers for episode 2....oh well its probably being discussed in a podcast... for more reads... http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2016-03-21/macross-delta-tv-anime-reveals-theme-song-and-singers/.100067
  2. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Honestly better than a micheal bay film!
  3. There is no S is the spoiler tag... ...and no spoon either mr anderson... sorry couldnt resist adding a matrix plug... lol i hope i didnt start a spoiler trend...
  4. dance like nobody is watching..
  5. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    And all the regults shot each other when the valks just ducked.
  6. chug chug... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCZmqd6xWfY Engage in T minus 2 weeks! Ride the wind my aerial knights!
  7. thanks you for the mospeada love! always loved the characters and mecha ...always remembered drooling over the cyclone tech sketches when young...
  8. Lol when i was a kid those prices were jaw dropping, and when am an adult today's prices are still and sometimes even more jaw dropping....things never change....
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The pod has grown on me...and looks better opened up to show the splashes of red.... Am looking forward to the 31A's possible pod configuration tho. Feel weird rooting for a CF more than a hero valk, but hopefully we dont have to wait too long in airing for its debut. Just pls dont be the same gun/charger combo as the hero valks...
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ah yes, thanks for clearing that up, GERWALK ftw it is!
  11. tochiro did! Or i would say there are screen caps from his twitter feed! https://twitter.com/GwynCampbell/status/710802921068232704 https://twitter.com/GwynCampbell/status/710803323629142016 https://twitter.com/GwynCampbell/status/710803826807181313 Those that got me excited....Grunt turning out to be my fav! looks sick! Dat underside! And finally this...
  12. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I stand corrected...Is it the first chogokin valk to have a waist swivel?
  13. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Battroid 30 rocks, i dont thk any othe valk can pose like it...and its the first valk to have a swivel mechanism at the waist if not mistaken. But i was sold when i saw fighter mode. With the jagged paintjob, it looked like a fighter flying through with lightning flashing on it Only missing was a thor pilot I also prefer the pod integration in the 30 better than the 31. It looks integrated and runs along the 30's fighter profile. The 31 back end is a perpendicular cut-off at the pod area, It would have been nice if half of the pod could be pushed up to match the fighter top surface area in the 31...
  14. Anyone caught it?
  15. The antenna and radome are detachable, but i havent transformed mine into battroid cos i just love how sexy it looks in fighter. The belly antenna has a joint to fold flat as well, for landing gear to be deployed in fighter mode. From transformation video's i see that there is a piece you can attach on the back in battroid so that the backpack stays secure. I do like the angle of the backpack with the antenna in battroid...its not plain and simple like an umbrella over the valk head and the antenna gives it a lil tail....
  16. I would go with the bunny head. Or even better, maybe this Got it off MW fb postings a while back... granted its more noseart-ish rather than tail but hey it might work...
  17. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    haha awesome thought bubble! we certainly do! Infact we love it more when the CF is armored! Everyone expects hero valks to be armored but when you have a CF armored...
  18. I got the radome 171 cos its unique to have a triangular based 171 valk superimposed with a circular radome. Not to mention the long tail antennae.. I would wait to see if bandai comes up with a nice chogokin ala low vis version..
  19. For me anyway, i like the beefed up valk look with the ghost set. More sharp edges and that big thruster at the back, makes the valk look like its built for speed. The design blends in well for me, and adds a modern tech feel to otherwise seems to be (well not exactly just) another aircraft. The gray ghost with the 0A colors.. ...sublime...my preference even over an 0S with ghost...
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