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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Hmmm i cant shake the notion that the 1/60 vf-5000 and a HMR 1/100 VF-0 'might' just be physically of equal size.... How big would a large HMR valk say the vf-2ss loook on that arcadia stand...
  2. This has been my ultimate dream display setup!! 😍🤩 So glad they did it again, as i was worried i wasnt able to find previous samples pics of it. If ever, one day, i have a large enough room to dedicate a wall of valks...😅🤣🤣
  3. Is the mospeada gaiden also manga strip by any chance? Wasnt quite clear on what next month's issue meant..probably model kits? Either way looking forward for some new moto love..😅
  4. Some genesis breaker news/models previews coming out in july?
  5. Disney=anakin ie too pre-occupied with $$... Urgh had to use the force to sit through and watch.... Dont think i may be able to sit thru any more if it continues like this...maybe just read the re-caps next time... lazy a** writing... edit: just found out that the final episode is next week!! Ok torture will end too!
  6. The gunship was a p-bandai item from last year so i ordered it via proxy i.e fromjapan. Around november if am not mistaken.
  7. Bandai's way of getting more bang out of our bucks.. but nevertheless i can see how this gunship, in fact, can double up as a nice desktop display, due to its size, maybe with wings folded up, landed. All in a compact display box..
  8. Finally got a Gunship! Went for this, as the formania gunship, the wings well, were too featherly for my liking...I admit, expected this gunship to be bigger. Thought a wrong package got delivered instead... Comes with lighted wing engines, transparent figs and a mini mehve in tow as a complete display on the stand...
  9. hmm never noticed till the video, the square chin ends a little too soon making the the jawline seem short....overall..like a double chin/ or wearing a mask below the chin... lineart arcadia... no biggie...HMR has its quirks i suppose...
  10. Lady gaga’s Song fitted perfectly when it needed to. 👌
  11. Phewww...just came out of the theatre with jet engine sounds seared into my brain...plus took lots of snapshots with the top gun posters all over the cinema🤣🤣.. Top gun Maverick elevated the fighter jet experience with the cockpit and flight cinematography. Flight scenes are leaps more visceral and engaging than the OG TG. Truly needs to be experienced with cinema speakers. DONT THINK JUST ENJOY!
  12. Its weird bandai didnt list that as a "feature" 🤣 The video product sample sure looked rough...so most likely bandai had a meeting to decide if the canopy shld be tinted/rainbow'ed... I wouldnt mind a rainbow canopy, hopefully its done well and doesnt peel as easily over time. Will take it as a nice change to a plain HMR VF-1 canopy ...
  13. Ah the MG age-1. Got it so long ago ...i admit i got it cos of the old rrobbert164 videos...had the gundam kit fever back then..used to see all his vid's as soon as it came out... Liking your muted paintjob with the shading..
  14. Does this HMR VF-0s seem to have a rainbow canopy, or am I just seeing a reflection....
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