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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    hayate pre-order madness? Yeah right. Just you wait until one day... ok time to crawl back to bed. day is complete.
  2. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    man talk abt finding a spot for the monster... With 1/60 scales already taking up space, cant imagine the monster seeing the light of day on a display shelf..just leave it in da box...
  3. Nice hummingbird! bet its gonna be pricey tho and only available in JP... This on the other hand may be an instabuy, just because it looks darn awesome in a long while... Ooof and in crossbone vanguard colors too!
  4. lol my sentiments exactly...in fact probably will be missing the hayate's pre-order too
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wha....I distinctly remember a remove before flight cover in the video unboxing... It seems to be cut short in this latest version ...
  6. Most likely they just copied the tail decals off some popular designs somewhere. Otherwise you could use custom decals and put in a bit of work but it would really set your valk apart! Well the markings on the fuselage are pre-printed, perhaps it stops at the nosecone stripe in this case for the shark mouth option. i know how u feel, am contemplating if i shld get more fighters...
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Was there a solution to replace the front gears with shorter or nicer struts on any valk toys? That could be a new shapeways thang... Maybe its there to generate sparks during lift off and landing..
  8. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If the front landing gear was shorter it would have a nice fighter dip and the back gears won't be so awkward.
  9. Wow do keep us updated if you manage to upscale em! Always wanted to make waterslides, but am not sure where to get the waterslide materials..
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That nose is upside down since its rotatable. You can tell from the grey markings on the bottom of the nose which are supposed to line up with the top grey markings. Not to mention the bottom of the nose juts out at the edge near the bay doors which means that is to be aligned to the top cockpit slope. On second glance, maybe not...its gonna be hard for that nose to fit if rotated the other way around. The angle doesnt quite match...
  11. https://twitter.com/tomytec_gimix/status/758279725164826624 If you ever wondered how a shark mouth would fit a VF-1, here it is! Only included with the gerwalk mode... Since this is pre-painted, looks like 2 separate nosecones...
  12. bandai's twitter...https://twitter.com/HobbySite/status/758262866365394945 Aww man i thk these are exclusives to some live event? Can anyone clear that up? Are they available for non - Jp folks thru some pre-orders somehow?
  13. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The natural position of the 30s pod is over the battroid head which so far I don't thk I heard of much problems with the hinges. did anyone hang theirs off the back? Even so it's got to be on a long term basis to detect any issues with hinges..mine is still ok but then I had it straight up.
  14. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yup nor am i but i will give credit to a nicely done itasha.
  15. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Looks a little straining on the back hinges, now that i had a 2nd look at it... hope those fuselage hinges are tough....am waiting for the darn armor pack appearances! btw non DX related but just to whet your itasha fetishness just.putting.this.here.in.all.its.gori.gori.
  16. https://twitter.com/macrossD/status/758157459982868481?lang=en Oh my! I hope this is a regular release??
  17. I thk what is shown is early prototyping..look for more detailed samples as an indication for commitment to production and preorder dates...
  18. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    I was browsing for old hmr's for deals instead lol!
  19. Not too nasty a break noel, but still hurts i bet..hopefully nothing a lil plastic putty/bond wont solve! Ok must remember to have him on a stand for battroid/gerwalk ....
  20. As per ebay/amazon listings its been more on the figma/statue slant of various anime. Figma colors look nice with detailed shading schemes. They have a few motorized vehicle toys which look a little plasticy, but not too shabby. My very quick search revealed perhaps the single figma + robot toy...ie..the sky girls...https://www.amazon.com/Sky-Girls-Sakurano-Figure-Freeing/dp/B00Z8FHA8C/ref=sr_1_168?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1469526615&sr=1-168&refinements=p_4%3AFREEing which doesnt look too bad... Yea i did see the 'non' word on the dsiplay tag but tag hobby lists it as a 1/24. On whether its a kit, i still thk it would be more of a toy based on all the search results i hit, they didnt seem to have kits.
  21. In fact I was wondering if it's just a statue, but then I saw the vehicle mode displayed in front of the display tag so it's either a toy or kit. However I would go with the former as I don't recall the freeing name tossed around in the kit biz.
  22. As much as I am in line w the excitement, I wish evo toys will be aware to hide as much as possible joints or tabs that may stick out in a display piece. Specifically the shoulder/arm hinge which I hope will not be that visible in the final.
  23. other than the RA, check it out here...https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMSS8yuNlaQaYceVAEHaLQiZyguigZMvmCaqUAnaGy-4UjIooWGWTvzqFOF3AVS5g?key=UUprYjVrdmw2aUhMQTFDRlVnU3B0LXFodjVnX0p3 also, am not sure what happened to the 0A CF, YF-19 weathered or lancer II kits teased a year ago (since they should have shown progress), thus am not sure if any new teasers will make it... I think the better bet for whats next after RA would be the ghost set for the VF-0's, however am still hoping they do a different series ie MF..
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