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Everything posted by seti88

  1. HG YF-21 and.....VF-11.......dare i dream it...
  2. https://tamashii.jp/item/14152/ ooohh...
  3. every time there is a new yf-19 product this plays in my head... updated with mikumo😄
  4. Don't have the WWM version of the 25 so can't say if there were any fixes in that area. It just looks more like the way its transformed for the photoshoot though.
  5. Lets see....spot the differences... 1) SMS markings on leg shin are now centered compared to last. 2) No step markings now on the wings.
  6. columbo approves! Congratz @Shawn on a rare valk score!
  7. Ah fasting is good.
  8. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Add the 31AX into that mix 😅 You should! And then wait for "that other guy" posting with a cupboard(?) load of 31A's ...😂 cue: welcome to macross world!🤩
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    bandai: 31A? what's a 31A?😅
  10. i thk its the other way around..bandai can use this to test mold/fittings and what works can be optimized for HMR, if ever there was a release...
  11. now thats going to be.......... Wow if you manage to pull it off thats certainly going to be a SUPER VALK ie All booster valk. That would be a sight to behold...
  12. seti88

    Macross spy valks

    VF-11C with radome.
  13. RIP DAME OLIVIA. man this hurts more that i would have thought..
  14. I don’t think there would be any pre-order madness for the metal structure sazabi🤪..but hey what do I know.. For EST, PO would be in the wee morning of the 2nd...so you are correct..
  15. The sword from the 262 and the lil drakens certainly give bogue’s AX with his windemerean emblem a cool knight look..
  16. why am i seeing the M on the phalanx looking like a school paper mache project stuck on it...😂
  17. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Another HMR VF-1 display... waiting for HMR VF-0A/0D display......
  18. bunch of macross mechs go to the bar....bottoms up....glaug glaug glaug .....*drunk*
  19. 1) There will always be something to complain about. 2) And whether its a general or p-bandai release it wouldnt matter, because see #1. 3) If unsure, wait till all reviews come in and then decide or not to get it.
  20. pretty in pink.
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