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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Man. ain't that the truth! Pre-ordered at HLJ too....I was mistaken arcadia's PO's are at start of day in JP, unlike bandai's 4pm releases...No madness tho so plenty for everyone... Hoping this would be coming out at the later end of February, so that i can ship it with the draken's release via HLJ's PW! I do wish there were some promo photo's of the RA with the 0A tho...i wonder how it would look like with 0A's light blue colors...
  2. RA needs to get on a diet plan.... If only photoshop works in real life
  3. Dont touch it and count the days until the arms sag from carrying the gunpod Looks like a wingtip from a gerwalk buddy would help balance the gunpod tip for the long run heheh ... man i need an extra wallet to get 2 hikaru has been on a sortie run on wallets this year! its gonna be available at the usual retailers...
  4. If am not mistaken preorders normally open 4 pm local Tokyo ie GMT +9.. but since its arcadia i dont thk there would b madness preordering, however stranger things may happen... http://hobby.dengeki.com/news/277358/ and finally gunpod in hand! Looks a lil clumsy and i wonder if it can be two handed but hey at least it fits..sorta..pew pew!
  5. Even for a moment I forgot there were pegs attached to the backpack to support the shoulder armors! I do wish the entire armor proportions were a tad slimmer for a more agile looking suit but this does look more like a prequel to the chunkiness of the vf-1 gbp...
  6. whoa that would be one heck of a diorama! Am even imagining an exploding storage tank too!
  7. Am hoping that it would, after all, it did look like in the animation there was one. Perhaps it would fit if it lay at an angle or loose around the palm ...or if there is a separate hand support on the front portion of the gunpod.. ala two handed...
  8. The RA back view is nice with the colors I think this needs to be displayed with a reflective mirror or a detolf would suit it nicely... more pics ... I think the gunpod in hand would also spiff up the pose nicely...
  9. Thanks for the lookout, am just surprised tomytec themselves aren't releasing any decks, its a no brainer esp since they have the 31's and 1's displayed on them!!
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hmm getting the kit seems to be more and more a viable option!
  11. Am interested in 1/144 scale decks that don't require luck or $ to hunt down...those are a lil rare...
  12. ^This! And to add, the sound effects were top notch too! This episode made you feel as you were accompanying tekaddan in battle and not merely watching the whole fight play out on screen. From the high level tactics, to the detailed perspective flows of the battle, bravo to the IBO team on this episode!
  13. http://www.taghobby.com/?p=141391
  14. I don't think there is a favored event. The RA was announced at last years summer WF, but there nothing much to shout abt this year in terms of NEW (non re-released) valk related news.. Valk-wise was the 0A CF and weathered YF-19 teased but no news from them after a year... Don't discount them cooking something up tho, arcadia's got to continue releasing stuff to continue to stay relevant in macross after all... Unless of course they find its not profitable and come out of macross altogether, which would then drive up prices of arcadia stuff even more.....and no, am not starting any rumors...
  15. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    If they release the HMR FB12 VF-4 lightning..you can bet the pre-order would be faster than lightning for the one true unicorn! Tho i wouldnt mind a HMR virgin road too!
  16. I think there is a lil anime magic going on for the wings for the 0A CF pic...the promo for the 0S already had the wings tips exposed quite far down... Agreed is hard to unsee the wings but not much of a biggie to me..this would be better covered in the 0A/S thread... I just hope the articulation of the 0S with RA would enable a pose with gunpod blazing like in the OVA...
  17. I hope bandai doesn't forget to bundle in a sword somewhere....either as a roid version release or in the 262 fast pack versions!
  18. top down view frm arcadia's twitter with less flash and glare obstructing the colors...
  19. Maybe someone can cook up some beefy hands on shapeway? And also bicep armor too... edit: I think the best pose with the RA is not with closed fists..btr have em palm open...
  20. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for all the links to the monster and crater pieces! The price of arcadia's RA just announced just poured cold water on my wallet for the monster tho..
  21. I was hoping the price not to stretch too far beyond 15k, but i guess arcadia put it at the maximum end of tolerance. (i betcha they wanted 18100k but 17800k sounds better) That aside, the build quality looks quite good. From Mr. K's past video demo, looks like its built to withstand some rough handling... Am probably going to only get 1 due to the expensive year! edit: And yes its likely the flash lightened the blue up quite a bit... You can see the grey armor pieces become near white, which means the grey isnt that dark in the first place... long story short ..am just glad the white is white!
  22. where are the infamous yf-19 dx and hmr vf2ss bandai?? I Dare you to annouce em before the tamashii nations exhibit this month end....
  23. Nooo please don't make the trailer so good, cos of the inverse trailer - movie law...! But I do wish they didn't reveal so much at times...
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