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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I am holding off for the last episode version, cos am not planning to get every one. #famouslastwords
  2. valkgasm... https://twitter.com/Torotorotorowa/status/803212181944700928
  3. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Was just looking at a tomytec custom whilst in this thread...https://twitter.com/eikoku2016/status/804367219035492352 Its hayate's version of the knight...emblem is less gritty .. I prefer messer's version but thats a subjective opinion...tho i prefer an 05 with an emblem instead of a regular nekkid 05... and this version appeared in the last episode of delta...
  4. Cmon cmon cmon cmon...dance like nobody is looking....but in this age everyone is watching on youtube...
  5. Tomy is trying to pimp you the vf-31S 3 set mode so you can do this....! Now...hmmm......VF-31'J' messer version anyone?
  6. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    And a hmr virgin road..
  7. I never really liked gundam's in their jet mode, so its a good thing the EX-s stays awesome in its MS mode. Its the only mode i would display as to show off its range of articulation and accessories
  8. Your wave set-up reminded me of the scene .... Cool looking dio's and thumbs up on the gritty looking scout regult!
  9. Hmm am not sure if this is the first shots of the MG ZZ ver KA? The twitter translation doesnt make sense... https://twitter.com/mi_a_wa/status/800134541511794688
  10. touchy-feely EX-s...with a dose of delta songs in the background...
  11. HRM = pre-built frame and you assemble the armor on like the barbatos...http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10367059/10/0 The frame has moving pistons if m not mistaken, so having something like that on a wing kit, i can only imagine what they will do.. Only downside was the HRM barbatos was kinda expensive,wanted one until i saw the price.. However if they pull out a nice HRM from the wing zero, well thats the heart talking again...
  12. Super stoked abt the latest announcements from bandai for gundam kits! MG providence! MG White dingo! MG ZZ ver ka! High Res Gundam wing! HG atlas at last!!! HG efreet kai! And not even counting IBO suits and misc HG yet! http://gundamguy.blogspot.my/ Phew i gotta lie down...battle of heart v wallet has already started a beat...
  13. Yea that's probably going to happen for roid's white anubis, lets hope that the white CF might just end up a regular release! I really dont want to spend so much $ on exclusives, so hopefully bandai would tease us with a regular CF.. Tho by the time bandai finally comes around to release who knows how much prices would be. Its pointless to speculate anyway.. Oh yes pls, but just to add make it pronto!
  14. Those shots of the white 262 is making me want to time travel to the exact time when its pre-orders open. And then F5 F5... And then displaying roid's white with keith's navy blue standing back to back in battroid!
  15. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Max for max! dat revoltech max gunpod tho...BFG...
  16. Gee ... and I tot this would be harder to get than the 31..IIRC after all it's the first dang single thruster valk with central fuselage?
  17. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not rushing on this hayate's 31...gimme the knight variant instead..
  18. Hmm did ami suddenly scored all the batches of the sv dx? Or this is a case of enemy valks not selling as well?
  19. Ooo those are indeed nice head designs!
  20. Thanks for the offer nzeod. Am really swamped for the foreseeable future so anything would remain theoretical for me. Perhaps other MWers might want to take up lighting solutions tho...
  21. And its still up.....
  22. Cool thanks for the link on the Led. I normally stuck at how do you hook it up to a switch and battery, without soldering as i haven't used a solder before. I also don't have knowledge on capacitors or resistors to get. Tho the led page you posted did have a nice link to a easy to use DIY board...http://stores.ebay.com/WEHONEST/InstructionOfPowerDistributionBoard.html maybe i will try to digest that...
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