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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Macross figures

    awfully cute...a makeup gift for your significant other when she finds out how much was spent on valks...
  2. seti88

    Macross figures

    OMG NOEL did u have something to do with this? I didnt know u were so influential! I need some valk pilot figurarts pls..... http://tamashii.jp/special/sanrio/
  3. seti88

    Macross figures

  4. LOL makes sense now why you suddenly talked abt seatbelts! Me and my ex gears! Ooo nice.. SHF Ranma's? Must be fun attempting all the cartoon poses, quite a natural logical progression into nostalgia mode! One might think the plot suffers cos there are too many ideas crammed into a series. *cough delta cough* In that sense, yea i hope the plot flows better in the new series, however seeing at how popular delta was in JP, i am not holding my breath for a scenario that has much variance. So am putting my hopes into better valk designs and such. side note: while replying on plot, gundam IBO did pop into my mind, and if macross could achieve similarly on the story flow with interesting chars and mecha designs, am sure it would launch macross into a new uncharted direction...but of course macross is macross... M0 .. ignore the quietly simmering Pocahontas vibe in the background....
  5. lolz... jazz is indeed an acquired taste, there are so many more musical genre's kawamori! (Of course i agree that idol-pop does pay the bills) And i would still like him to try a male rock lead again... Am not sure if anyone has time to put on seatbelts tho...it seems like a jump in and fly macross universe with ex gears! It would be cool though if it got a lil grounded... Enjoyed M0 despite all its ecology mumbo-jumbo. I recognize kawamori's efforts in trying to make the show not all abt war and have a morality side story to go along. That would fit in very well with LADY M!! Hows abt it kawamori!!! Taking a trip down memory lane today arent we?
  6. I hope the bigwigs see the sales of DX's and valk related merch too! and we get a mech-side series ala gundam thunderbolt heh....hmmm jazz macross anyone?
  7. Always enjoyed valks based on their own unique design quirks. For me, they all have their own character! I just hope kawamori keeps pushing the envelope of what the variable fighter can look and achieve in transformation.. LADY M! LADY M! LADY M! I hope its not Macross the first animated tho, only from the valk viewpoint...i would like to see totally new valks designs! Triple hear for jenius air! I agree and thk the writers need to fine-tune that balance of mecha v idols that plagued delta so much. More valk variations can help to have fresh action scenes too... Lastly, hope they still base the show in planetscape, to give more credence to fighter mode.
  8. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    gogogo... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-027032
  9. Am more excited abt the prospect of new valks than anything else.
  10. He just posted another blog too... http://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12241986490.html *part 3 just came in* http://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12242001891.html All the tampo images from blog entries are summarised here.... http://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/imagelist.html
  11. seti88

    Macross figures

  12. Maybe its gone? or maybe because its in the shade of Mr K..
  13. seti88

    Macross figures

    Gangs all here...
  14. seti88

    Macross figures

    Lol cute post on the lil stars noel! They certainly look like rei and maki! Are they p-bandai?
  15. seti88

    Macross figures

    Ooo nice bringing up the levels... *waits for the valkyrie walkure figurarts to show up one day*..
  16. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hey are those small micro missiles shooting out beside the gunpod barndoors in the gif? It looks too close to the pod to be part of the background swarm......You wont notice it unless you pay really close attention...perhaps micro missiles as part of the backpod could be true after all??
  17. Pic of kieth + sword from the Ba kit.. .
  18. Ah T1...where skynet inadvertently caused john conner to be born because it was trying to kill john conner. Now thats how you write a script....
  19. Its from the february 2017 issue 387 of model graphix. https://hlj.com/product/MDGMAG1702
  20. Rebooting is Hollywood's way of time travelling..keeping an open mind but not my hopes up for the franchise...
  21. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Whoa...jumping for joy at these new rel.... oh wait... Ok saving my jump for when they actually come out...cross fngers not vaporware...
  22. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Mirage is such a cutie from this angle!
  23. Man that sucks...and to thk i asked you abt space in the 31 thread...
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