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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Oh boy do i remember that scene, all the debris flying and the coolness and attitude... heavy john woo/anime/manga influence coming to life and done right, baby! Crossing fingers, that mr sanders knows how to deliver it! Anticipating with dread how much they toy spider tank is gonna be! I also hope ScarJo hides her emotions/acts wooden like keanu does. I miss the cyborg stare from the GITS anime and from the trailer ScarJo's eyes are still a lil too human for me. That stamina rose OST certainly is what GITS needs! I didnt catch SAC in its entirety, having dropped off (nodded off? ) after innocence. Am all pumped now, and in the mood for a proper movie!
  2. Half expecting the aether to be included in the kit..
  3. anticipating new tenjin-san box artwork!
  4. Customised ep26 kit winner..http://hobby.dengeki.com/event/328458/
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Maruyama was a fan-boi emblem ..ok am nitpicking but that may be where bandai got in and said, give us an extra tampo valk we can sell! Messer's was unique in the sense that shinigami is now attributed/linked to him. Max/hikaru didnt get one ... This could be the start of an emblem trend in macross though...
  6. Yeaahhh lets see scarjo do a flip up the stairs! Still remember the first time i saw pillars and walls being shot up in the appleseed manga...good stuff... So stoked if they try to recreate the tank scene....always wondered tho why didnt the tank just blast the damm column away while she was setting-up...
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hmm the alto's 25, 30 and messers 31F next to each other in a line....interesting... messer also has his own emblem .... come to think of it has there been other macross series with 2 different valk emblem's ever?
  8. Why.am.i.enjoying.this.
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think some things are best left to the imagination haha....
  10. I honestly dont think they will just let the mystery of LADY M just disappear with delta....
  11. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    My will got obliterated long time ago. I ordered 2 drakens and 2 messers and hayate's supers without hayate... The only thing stopping me now is an actual hole in the wallet. Which is equivalent to a VF-22 nuking my wallet with a dimension bomb. No more hayate shooting down the wallet gif.
  12. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Whoah thanks for the render noel! Fair to say the change in color totally brings a different vibe to the 31F! Hehe... Mirages supers look quite fetching too, if it stays the color you rendered....Now i have to resist the urge to get all the supers! bandaixkawamori annihilating your wallet!!!! Noel did a render b4 on messer's black supers on the 31J, somehow it didnt quite have the same impact. Likely messer's 31f acting as the main black valk acts as a nice base for supers to add highlight contrasts. This is all subjective of course depending on your own personal preference...
  13. Ooo thats nice! Makes me wanna pick em up too... Black and Blue certainly is a combination, just like hayate's supers on messers F...
  14. NY used to be my preferred shop, but at times they list items later than the rest. Now, i use it just for exclusive items... Also as more hard to get items got released, combined shipping of HLJ and ami, has taken me away from NY. I use CDJ as my last resort, as their prices are higher. The latest interest is yellow submarine's rakuten store...that may be on my watch list too if they carry more hard to get items...
  15. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I wonder if chucks yellow supers would make messer look like bumblebee! After all he has bumblebee-ish? eyes.....mirages would be too magenta-ish me thinks. ..oh no.. m i comparing colors..bandaixkawamori!!!!!!
  16. Have only seen em in display in shops so i cant comment except they look good as displays! Although i havent played FF, she looks good too...
  17. If you are referring to Movie/OVA's, i like; 1/ Chars Counter Attack (CCA) - got me hooked on gundam back in the day.. 2/ 0083 Stardust memory 3/ The 08th MS team /4 F91 And lastly, Gundam Unicorn and Gundam Thunderbolt, just to experience the incredible leap in animation standards since the above... Havent watched Gundam: The Origin in entirety but check it out as well. Its just a personal list and is not listed in favorite order...check out the list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gundam for more... p.s. the latest gundam IBO series is recommended as well in episodic form..
  18. seti88

    Macross figures

    If bandai or whoever comes up with da makina mechanic...all dirty...insta-buy... Cmon bandai!
  19. Nice homage, and the trailer is making me itch for VR...and with elite dangerous making it to the PS4 the itch is getting even more intense! If elite supports VR too i might have to rob a bank...
  20. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Maths time for delta valk DX's! FSW: 3 modes * 6 variants (ep 26 mode) = 18 * 2 for supers = 36 A: 3 modes * 2 variants (skull leader) = 6 * 2 for supers (In case skull leader wants em) =12 the extreme total would be 48 toys. *not including da SV262's and their white knights, possibilities for new old VF-1, a regular + katty 171, a busted 22, an ancient 104 starfighter or a jenius vampire..
  21. seti88

    Macross figures

    shhh dont break the illusion... already on the verge of "r u on the macross forums again?"...
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