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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Chill. No, i didnt get one.
  2. I hv got mirages 31 and the 31a fighters, vf-1s and 1a gerwalks all of which I haven't built yet!! And the led light and the tarmac vehicle kit...Arrrgh just so bz...plus my table is a horrible mess since last year...
  3. Hehe i completely agree to more valks!! and let the 104 and vampire have some fly time too!
  4. Upon reviewing this pic again, it gave me the impression that they were prepping the RA for sortie, with all the wires and mess surrounding it...
  5. Getting it from HLJ...likely gonna PW ship it with the draken!
  6. Ooo thats an teaser of what actual Valkyrie walkure costumes could look like...
  7. Its a double edged sword. M getting it as its the first single thruster valk with a tail as a shield! But on the other hand, its also an unknown risk, as its a first single thruster valk with a tail as a shield... So far from the pics i have seen it doesnt seem that floppy and is quite well detailed with that hot trim!... The model kit version seems to be holding up ok too so.......why not....
  8. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I thk August is a more likely scenario for a valk release only because i remember DX releases were April, August and December during the past... However this year it seems 2 valks per quarter release due to delta.. Anyway if there were May releases pre-orders will need to open up this month... wonderfest is coming up this month, not sure if bandai will use that occasion for DX announcements...
  9. Even without the supers, 262's battroid mode looks substantially beefier than the 31..total reversal from fighter mode where the 31 looks larger than the draken...
  10. Dat gerwalk rendition set my heart a beating! Nice work eosmushahi!
  11. seti88

    Macross figures

    Could a gunpod fit there instead? HMR size gunpods?
  12. am sorry, am a lil trippy on emblem art at the moment...and since the windermerens have german influence, i wonder what the draken 262's would look like with vintage german emblems..
  13. seti88

    Macross VR

    I know what i will be looking for if there was ever a macross VR...pulling the "B" on the control panel and going into battroid mode!
  14. Nice! would be proud to have that on display!
  15. Nice! I already have the wave 1/72 tomahawk but now i feel like getting the defender and phalanx kits too to mimic ur destroid display with valks in the foreground.....
  16. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Draken march ...DRAKEN MARCH... Man.... I can only imagine someone stop-motion animating his HMR army marching in a parade to this beat...
  17. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Haha thats a jump from emblems to itashas! I havent played macross 30 so i dont know what those look like. I liked the model kit version of freya tho... i would get that if it was in DX. Wasnt too keen on the rest of delta itasha's after examining them.. Itasha's for me are a fine line, the insta buy would be if they did nose-art or tail-art itashas on military scheme valks! Am keeping a few images when the time comes if i do finally attempt to do a decal printout and transfer onto valks or what not... On the stands yeah, yeti's alpha base could come in handy to fit 3 battroids in there. Whats the maximum battroids on a yeti stand that can fit on one detolf shelf i wonder.. Maann...all these talk abt itasha's and emblems got me nose-art trippy....
  18. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I thk a 31F battroid can fit in there, tho its gonna be tight cutie ranka may need to move. Like your gunpod poses though. The arms holding the gunpods still seem to be staying up well.
  19. seti88

    Macross figures

    35th anniversary of macross man...never give up the dream...
  20. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Purple yam Purple yam..*sung to purple rain* Yeah ...could be the light heheh.... There are release dates for the tomahawk?
  21. seti88

    Macross figures

    Oh yes the rabbit hole...wiill get just the one, and then the two and three...*cue spinning room and old scifi music* Am holding off on the current SHF's as the valks have put them out of range.. but my red pill (matrix reference to go down the rabbit hole), would be a SHF pilot figure of anyone.... Anyhow, here are close-up's of freya and mikumo...http://toho.seesaa.net/article/446666165.html
  22. 50 % off spider gwen... https://www.amazon.com/Kotobukiya-Marvels-Spider-Gwen-Bishoujo-Statue/dp/B01CYUU6OS/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1486221678&sr=8-1&keywords=Bishoujo+Spider-Gwen&linkCode=ll1&tag=marveltoynews-20&linkId=9dc44d5690951834b91274918a949a0d
  23. Nope, it requires model cement. However i wouldnt shy away from it, its just a matter of glue and following the instructions. And you can even hand paint it. Hasegawa has a reputation of releasing nice fighter models so even a basic build can look cool on the shelf. Patience and time is what's needed....
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