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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Poster looks good enough....now will the actual product be as well?
  2. PLS PLS NO LIMBS DROPPING OFF.... RA took 1.5 yrs...but since this is a valk ...yeah cross fingers !
  3. Dat......err POSTER!
  4. seti88

    Macross figures

    Aoshima WF17
  5. WF2017
  6. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    J http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-021748
  7. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    So would a HMR VF-0D! Heck a whole M0 line!
  8. do.not.accidentally.click.preorder.
  9. Ah you are right on the date, kinda weird time for a global pre-order tho.. i got confused with the date on tag hobby's site instead...yea maybe the out of stock is just a placeholder..
  10. Its over, no? listed as out of stock on KL's website...
  11. And not to mention how much would it cost to ship.
  12. What if lisa/minmay dances the macarena on screen when you play songs? Lol...sorry jokes help deal with sadness.....
  13. I am wit cha dude! but look on the bright side...
  14. http://www.taghobby.com/archives/168417 *sigh y did my dream toy have to cost so much! Always waited for this very panel........... Preorders opened today and already out of stock at that price....who got it?
  15. @spanner looks like max just got a little more competition for the blue in that cabinet space! Nice choice of scheme tho, that russian star is cool!
  16. I thk the best company to tackle a commander bridge would be kidslogic...... after they release the montrous VF-1 cockpit speakers... They would know to light it the best...
  17. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hmm now i cant unsee it heh! Did other valks have the same issue or perhaps it just wasnt so apparent or the gap was tighter... No issue to me either way tho as long as the whole fighter locks solidly....
  18. Will wait to see more shots of the big guy since it still looks like a prototype with tapes...Those tiny ride armors already look quite detailed tho!
  19. lol very creative... though i thk some might lose their minds if it really turns out to be SDF related...
  20. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I guess that was that fixed in the final release, i didn't hear much abt it...thnks for pointing it out in the photo tho...
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