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Everything posted by seti88

  1. looking forward to seeing it!
  2. Dammit... am in high school again...nostalgia overload .... always amazed at the CG animation process, never understood how you could even build up them models...
  3. well ok, given the scale of this thing and the weight, probably the shipping cost is justified...that canopy must be heavy if it requires a transparent rod lol...
  4. They are separate companies, however there didn't seem to be further follow up news of these during write ups of the respective company booths. Just gonna watch for further developments...
  5. I only recall roy wearing the RA and i suspect black is not the default color of the assembly RA.
  6. I still say they should have a freya figure wearing the valk...why use a generic girl when delta has a valk associated with each girl...
  7. crossing fingers its true! at least i know dirty pair is true as its been promoted at one of the booths...
  8. Marketing has noted that the old kids are ripe for the pickings lol...that or the toys heads are now headed by 70's/80's kids hehe... All i can tell is that red for max factory and blue for freeing? However at this point, am not making any conclusions as there has been fake wall poster's reported...
  9. I think ivanov's SV leans more towards dark grey, but yea not totally black. Its just a promotional poster, who knows with arcadia, what the final colors would be.
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think if somehow the top fuselage was wider and tapered to the back, it could pass off as being lean, rather than slender. Then possibly all the transforming mechanisms would fall underneath that large top fuselage section. Reminded me of john wick where you don't need to have bulging muscles to look badass. Its about the cut of the suit.. Hmm...the SV 51 seems to fit the lean,sleek and stylish vibe now that i refreshed my tots abt the ivanov...
  11. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Dear kawamori-san, we humbly request your design as per suggested pic attached. signed, your valk fan club.
  12. haha i hear ya! But the SV51 is definitely a good candidate for a ruskie star...and maybe on these too..lol...ok gonna come down from my russian star high now..
  13. LOL u got me on a russian star fetish! I wanna slap that star on everything! Especially a SV51 CF! I wish i could send a pic to Mr K of the russian star and make him release a CF too! Though he would ban me for spamming him.
  14. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

  15. Front view of the carriers. For a moment i tot it was an arcadia tie-up with lego, but i suspect its just a custom lego since its Wonderfest!
  16. seti88

    Macross figures

  17. Ditto that but i wouldn't have mind if they started off with the CF frankly speaking.
  18. Its a custom. Bandai doesn't have a booth presence at WF.
  19. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    better stock up on some russian star decals too! hmm...a VF-31A CF with skull leader insig + russian star decals?!
  20. Its arcadia, so i think the price would dampen any pre-order madness.. If i use the 0A/S valks as guide, I expect to see some prototype/samples pics in april/may and if everything goes well earliest we could possibly see a pre-order is perhaps in august for a year end release...The RA took a lil longer at 1.5 years announcement to release. Of course like you said, there are the Hikkie's and even the assembly kit RA is scheduled for July this year (as per notice on the display card). So best is keep your eyes peeled throughout the year but esp in august....
  21. wait ...i tot that mospeada figma was related to t-rex'es display? hmmm...with the fake news on macross the first figma's, better temper my expectations then.... btw incoming for crusher joe...
  22. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Its a kit but way to start my fantasy for a DX CF....if only DX'es had panel lines as sharp as these....
  23. Very clean lines!
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