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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Really? Hmm then we should get as much arcadia stuff whilst its still around then!
  2. Knowing HG they will prob stretch it to vol 3, which vol2 being SC/Masters...urgh...
  3. even if arcadia releases frontier valks? Or valks with ful tampo and lighted led's? Or vf-0's in masterfile colors? Or...you get the drift i honestly thk by then i would still collect but at a way slower pace lol...
  4. Because they want to release an updated version in 10 years...
  5. Wat! no mospeada saga sections?! How can you call yourself a RT artbook... on the other hand we can forget abt southern cross
  6. I know, am stating the promise on purpose because i remember the word "will release" back in 2015(?) and was so hyped throughout the day ... Heheh no big deal, just making sure bandai remembers!! Am waiting bandai... am waiting for something for the anniversary!! Oh well will rely on sheryl to motivate me the next few days
  7. apologies for the sidestep, but looking at the advance makes me remember that bandai promised a yf-19 DX before. Whats taking so long...
  8. Call it i don't wanna have to think abt the DX while waiting for a pre-order re-listing syndrome! That or i will have to switch off my feed into bandai's DX'es promo's..
  9. The cheeky answer would b whichever came out first! Unless you mean which one to choose if you could afford only one, which is completely subjective as it depends on which valk design you like. and more importantly is if you would b able to secure a DX preorder in the process!!
  10. If they tease a prototype by May, there may be a possibility of a dec release. I recall the 0a was released abt the end of the same year it was teased. Of course it was a slight modification to th 0d, which might account for the speed of release. as for the SV, if it's just a matter of better proportions and better joints(?) from the Yamato , maybe just maybe a dec release?
  11. I sincerely hope bandai isn't doing that, it sounds like an anti-competitive stance. I do hope its a simple explanation of BW charging a premium for license fee's or that other toy companies view macross as too niche a brand to be able to make $ off it. The 31 and 262 prototypes in DX form where unveiled at the early presentation of delta. And by no other than kawamori-san and gang. Based on that alone, i thk any marketing plan from arcadia would be eclipsed.
  12. 2016 was the year of Delta, there is some sense for arcadia to ride out the delta (in particular DX) hype whilst ensuring visibility, re-issue's would have fit that mold.. The question i suspect they may have to answer is with a new series in 2018, will arcadia still stay and battle it out with bandai on the macross front... and if yes, how will arcadia do it with bandai having good/increasing similar priced quality DX releases, with a hype engine of a new series (assuming bandai takes up the new series releases)...
  13. Didnt expect the green to e so catching with the gold!
  14. That's a really slippery slope! Very soon we will want a roy version, a hikaru DYRL version etc . ...gasp...A VF-1D version with hikaru and minmay!! I would lose my mind... And the downright down the waterslide would be if Kids Logic talked to BW and did Plus/Frontier/Delta versions! if they did release isamu and the YF19..hmmmmmmmm...i dont know if i can resist.....
  15. M sooooooooooooooooo not jealous!!!
  16. Perfect ED especially to IBO ep 45.
  17. semi gloss arad looks slick! how come you needed to apply panel line wash tho, the existing lines arent enough? btw was trying to feed my kairos hunger and stumbled upon this custom.....call it the SR-71 custom ... wish i had bought more tomytec 31A's, but alas.....if tomytec releases the 2 mode 31A kit it would sell like hotcakes. Where are those tomytec?!! And its a hopeful sign that once bandai releases the 1/72 31A kits it would be incredibly ideal to customise!
  18. Looks better with the tampo of course! Plus love the lighting in the shot!
  19. Since I couldn't find a thread on akira comics or even a kodansha comic thread, plus i didnt want to put it under the akira movie thread since this isnt movie related, tot abt starting a kodansha book thread... Was tracking this news since indications of an Akira box-set emerged last year. Guess i was a lil bit off since pre-orders have started past month.. https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/02/10/akira-gets-200-35th-anniversary-rerelease-kodansha/ Pre-orders are open on amazon! Talk about a long wait tho...
  20. I hear you guys! Shipping saved is another valk to get!
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