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Everything posted by seti88

  1. No worries, you gave me some reason to perhaps consider getting a 1/100 Gundam IBO kit..
  2. i havent seen it buuut..http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1219827/ annddd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_Shell_(2017_film) quite THE SILLY
  3. Looks positively inspiring!
  4. Thanks, just got lost in the details, always remembered that there was a 10 day window w HLJ. I will probably check after my shipment is cleared from customs, first time its been in customs so long. The draken was packed together with the RA and few more items, which probably pushed the $ amount up..sigh...cmon peeps its just toys! My HMR milla from NY already cleared customs despite arriving a day later.
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Bandai saved costs by batch ordering the same red for both HMR milla and DX mirage ...and to go one step further, same red you will see if they decide to release a VF-1EX!
  6. Breaking MISB could also be an over-reaction if it wasn't widespread problem....heywhatchagonnado...
  7. Am not sure if its that widespread of an issue, there are error tolerances for every conceivable release. Doesn't mean every batch will have the issue, but am not glossing over the fact either that it is acceptable. Yeti, did you get it from HLJ? Dont forget abt the 10 day window. Btw, noel, since you highlighted the 10 day HLJ window b4, i forget, was it 10 days after it shipped or.....
  8. Sounds like some residual glue could have been left-over on the tampo pad, after it lifted off the print of the previous assembly line. Since the draken is heavily tampoed, it could be a sign of overuse of the tampo machine. But i think yeti drew the short straw on that one. My drakens are incoming, so will check it as well as soon as customs releases it....sigh....
  9. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup, thats what i experienced as well, you cannot combine an existing paid pre-order with an unpaid order. The paid pre-order is considered closed and completed.
  10. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    You got the vf-31 and the pre-order of the super parts in the same month, yes? When the 31 was in stock correct? Its different from ordering 2 separate pre-orders in different months and expecting them to combine with the last.
  11. Oh my....Thats EPIC! Have you tried with barbatos'es mace as well?
  12. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    You cant combine pre-orders months apart. You will be asked to pay shipping for advanced pre-orders that state no later payment. The only way to combine shipping is with product that is already in stock. So if you waited for the actual month of the pre-order release, and bought something else in stock, then you can combine both of them as per their tutorial. Of course you will need to be aware of the release month and risk of that pre-order running out during that month.
  13. The red markings are advise to handle with care when handling those areas. Also to ensure the thumb is in properly. Just like we don't handle/drive a lambo/ferrari the same way as we drive an every-day honda/toyota etc over bumps , ramps, over pot holes etc... As much as i like the VF-1, am happy kawamori is pushing the envelop with designs, and bandai for being able to pull them off. The SV-262 is macross's 1st single main fuselage/thruster valk which made it to toy form....we have waited so long for just a variation from the double thruster VF-1.
  14. .. KO white-....green/blue/red!
  15. It would probably be released as a weathered version, with dimension bomb dust on the fuselage.
  16. Ghetto..
  17. That sounds abt rite for the pricing of the m&m KOs, am not sure abt the pre-order mechanism of 50 yuan for both or 1 but thats just the details i guess.... ...and with ref to the blues brothers car, remember not to slam the canopy too hard when you get em..
  18. Nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice!!!!
  19. I think barurutor's point is that getting KO's will hit the wallet. The KO can be totally unrelated to any legit releases, but getting a KO will take funds away. That translates to less $$ available for legitimate purchases, hence the risk to legit releases (even those not related to a KO).
  20. YOUR VF-0 IS POINTING DOWNWARD ON THE EDGE!! Man i salute you putting them flying like that, but arent you worried one fall will pull all down??
  21. Nice shot of the SV's in gerwalk together! The 51 looks like an old bulky bruiser with nose piercings compared to a modern 262 gangsta lol...both good!
  22. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Shld be anytime now, i just received the mail a few hours ago..did you check your spam folder? Else just drop em a line ...
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