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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Didnt see it before but when wrists seem to be on a up/down hinge which is then attached to a ball joint for the hand. Hmm thats a departure from a usual singular ball joint..might have more up.down movement but it does expose the hinge bar if the hand is not recessed in...
  2. Hmm the missiles look a lil pink (?) it gonna be pink hue + blue reflection off the wing? it should be the RA assembly kit cos there was a mid year release date when teased month back......
  3. nicely done!
  4. http://masterfileblog.jp/news/2017/04/10/6907.html movable head lasers, vectors, open/closed intake covers..clear parts for canopy and quartz..
  5. Pre-orders opened on the legioss! More pics in the link...https://hlj.com/product/EVT57263
  6. it's not in the third sortie, and we dont know if there will be a fourth. However I wouldn't be surprised that he releases a fourth sortie, somewhere when hasegawa releases the last of the delta valks...
  7. No it doesn't automatically mean there will be a mirage decal or head. It might mean however, that mirage would be the next release after hayate.
  8. DAT ART! Is this gonna be the boxart for hase's vf-31J?
  9. Hehe the Pre-draken valks shields be like... talking to you yf-19 ....... and then the draken shield be like... thats what you call a shield! hahaha...
  10. I thk anyone into valks should get this..it's the first and only so far single fuselage/thruster dx valk! plus it hazz a shield on its arm..How cool is that! Hehe...
  11. Macross in general is pricey. But I don't want to pay even pricier after market prices. if perhaps global licensing was available then bandai might be able to hedge their costs across a wider audience and lower their prices thru more improved distribution channels..but that's an old story...it is what it is for the foreseeable future... On the pack, I would have wanted to get It even without the sword as those lil drakens would be a nice addition flying side by side with the draken..I don't plan to leave it on the wingtips but let's see...
  12. You will like it even more with a sword and a full non-hinge shield! Am eagerly anticipating those and meantime maybe thinking which 1/100 Gundam kit to get for the armaments..
  13. am waiting for virgin road!!
  14. Indeed! Stealth draken!
  15. Opened the draken and the protective film peeled ok, no issues! Its so pretty, bandai is the tampo-king! Details on this valk is crazy.... I like the etchings on the inside of the intakes... the lines match nicely with the overall look and has an added vibe rather than a blank surface. It really looks like a bat outta hell with meatloaf as the pilot.. I prefer this over the CF and the way the sharp wings are designed! Bat theme!
  16. Nice haul! I also enjoyed mine too, just got it today after a week held in customs! Packed the 262+RA and a couple o small misc items but somehow the big box/amt tripped em to hold it...
  17. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    tot this was cute...
  18. round 1...fight! presumably arcadia should crush em!
  19. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Messer to the rest of the delta valks is like the fonz to the rest of the cunninghams ayyyyyyy
  20. How much how much?
  21. 2 of my fav anime exports combined Timing is just nice for a macross delta x gundam ibo crossover, esp with melee fighting mecha! Dual pistol wield pose opportunity galore!..hehe....Noticed you had the lupus rex, i thk his latest mace like sword would be cool as well... edit*sorry i meant the mace that came with the lupus and not the rex version... Seems an extra reason to consider an IBO 1/100 scale, and here i was trying to limit myself...
  22. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    No destroids? Spartan pawns instead...and 2 monster rooks! Then roy and hikkie strike knights and GBP bishops! On the other side, if there ever was a breetai release he can b the king, quead for the queen (sounds nice eh), glaug rooks since they jump , Nous for the knights and Regult missile variant for the bishop...of course regult pawns...
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