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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    hehe am replying your hot pic again....it definitely perks you up after many familiar delta valk promo pics... Am crossing fingers the quality of the released super's colors are up to par in the meantime till end May. Messer's supers do look good too. Haven't picked it up yet (spacing my cc) but tot of 5 messer's in separate super colors did briefly flash through my mind! Briefly, before my wallet kicked me in da head What a coincidence, i was looking thru the 31S whilst checking on supers! The 31S needs the red to really make it pop! I was looking at the pics of the 1/72 31S and the colors used. http://macross-matome.net/goods/7808/ If the DX does a beautiful RED, then yes i can see this scheme becoming awfully attractive. I love the RED shoulders especially... Very nice shot of the valks! Messer is so cool...btw hope you dont mind but thts da phone wallpaper now
  2. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    training for a six pack eh! I am adding hayate's supers just to see how messers valk would look like in blue dont forget arad's A too!
  3. 1) bandai's 1/55 vf-1s and vf-1d hi-metals just because they were so much fun to have and to explain to everyone what they were. 2) the yf-30 just because it dared to be different and pulled it off! Altho some may not like it, its proportions and stance just looked really sleek and advanced for a modern valk. Tied with the 262, because again kawamorixbandai pulled a rabbit out a hat with a complex transformation and look that is unlike any valk in 30 yrs. 3) I haven't had a 31 yet in my hands, but that would be here if am not mistaken, just based on all the reviews and feedback of a sturdy valk! I like the size too! Special mention to arcadia's 0S as well for being the closest to an upgraded version of the VF-1 lol...(altho yeah its supposedly a prequel) No least favorites really! But then again dont have that large of a collection as some forumers here. but i am waiting for a DX of the 19 by the king of tampo bandai to make it into my fav's list. and if that becomes a reality, then maybe a DX 21
  4. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Welcome back david! Think you should be the one currently holding the lead on per copies of messer!
  5. And....gerwalk mode? So close yet so far.... Probably they were worried the whole thing may topple over lol...
  6. wow thats a nice gnerl scheme...
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    if am not mistaken, they all had the same blue stripe as a standard gunpod for all valks in the show. Thanks for the post. 1) i like how the grey markings on the forward fuselage collars are more visible against black Certainly makes it look more military. 2) Reaper tampo seems to be still intact after his repeated test bends on the pod hinge. Hmm wonder if the missile parts are translucent enough to shine light from the launch part, to glow the smoke trail a bit. lastly, some of the pics from the livedoor link... channeling the SDF! and Gerwalk mode FTW!!
  8. Thanks for sharing jenius! taka's still look pristine! Also dat transparent supers set! Cant recall seeing it before, but my memory fails me...
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thats true on the 29, but that's because it was a re-issue of an existing product which didnt have that issue, so they caught that beforehand no? i cant imagine them issueing a replacement fuselage! or can they?
  10. That's why there is freya who is a teen in actual years, but supposedly middle aged in winderemeran terms. But gimme a grown up but not too grown up hot minmay anytime! Or even a sexy misa...hmmm i said too much
  11. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I thk the reason of having 2 options could be due to currency fluctuations for paypal so that they themselves could have leeway on not losing on exchange rates. That being said, fluctuations havent been that wild to warrant it, but who knows going forward with the US stance on currencies. On one hand i like that they tot of folks who might break it. On the other, i hope its not too loose that it would pop off easy. But kudos to bandai for being consumer friendly in this regard! Now, on to shapeways for extravagant headgear! Or how would a fedora look on messer's valk? .... The fact that it got through the whole promo cycle with nary a fuss maybe meant the angle wasn't that obvious in the first place. Tho i can understand the frustration accuracy wise. I was also kinda miffed that they overlooked that, but its not a deal breaker for me. Of course am biased, cos i found the angled reaper in fighter mode left to much empty space to be desired. This way at least it looks to own the space on the fuselage. Lastly, I dont think its in Bandai's fashion to have fixes for small issues. They didn't have any renewals for the 30 nor the reissued 29 with the upside down SMS tampo. So i wouldn't hold my breathe for them to do anything here.
  12. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Dang this option to choose the rate was what i was searching for! Thanks F360!
  13. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh i tot you went for the sea shipping without tracking, and yes, SAL registered is better than EMS heheh... Oh no, cancelled at the time messer is released?
  14. when she grows up and has the chest to support it.
  15. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    whats this? a remake of the fly?
  16. frankly the reasons i liked the original macross (SDFM) vibes were in order of importance; 1) animation 2) valkries 3) characters who grew-up, had responsibilities and weren't teens who can magically pilot mecha. (hikkie at least went to flight school rite? ) but that's nostalgia, macross has evolved, animation has evolved, and so has the need to grow a new audience. That aside, the current valks are like works of art! Mechanical design wise kawamori-san has improved leaps and bandai has kept up! if not for anything, just be glad that the valkyrie design envelope is still being pushed to the sky is the limit!!
  17. Memories of rick leonardi's artwork in cloak and dagger. *warms my heart*
  18. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    would it fit?
  19. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    As much as i prefer the slow and cheaper way, i salute you for going with SAL shipping! Was never confidant of myself to wait without a shipping tracker..
  20. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Heheh thats part of the experience, bar waiting at the gate for the postman But cdjapan has pay upfront so like it or not here it comes! and i only took cdjapan cos i didnt want to go thru the risk/hassle of hunting messer.. I have another from ami and m gonna wait till the last day to pay, hoping that it will not get included in my next cc bill. Definitely prefer the slow and cheaper way!
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