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Everything posted by seti88

  1. honestly the most suitable place I can thk of that being placed, without obstruction, is hanging off the wall like a huge painting...otherwise it's gonna be a pain to avoid knocking into it and damaging something.. unless of course you put in a display case the size of a table for four...
  2. seti88

    Vf 31 j bubbles

    Did you gently clean it repeatedly over time? If your marks seem quite stubborn maybe you might want to try stuff with microbeads like toothpaste or even facial wash. Toothpaste esp is used to polish plane canopies to make them clear. Gotta be gentle here tho cos u don't want to over rub and create a bald spot. Hope it helps somewhat.. P/s I would watch if cleaning it discolours the paint so my advise is if it doesn't come off just let it be. else you may have cleaned the spot but end up with a overly polished area compared to the rest...
  3. seti88

    Vf 31 j bubbles

    I've seen that before on my dx but forgot which one. Some times the protective film leaves some residue after peeling. But its never much of a problem. Try wiping with a hot/Warm towel with a dab of handsoap or dish washing liquid. Warmth and detergent works wonders to de-grease sticky residue. Sometimes i do that with gunpla sprues freshky opened to get rid of injection molding residue. Would warn you tho to be careful near the tail, as i see you have an aether decal there, you dont want to overly rub on it.
  4. Incoming for wonderfest summer! some folks have all the skillz at casting..think these are the manga versions tho i dont know if there are differences between the landmates from the show either...
  5. Bandai should so totally do a YF-30 with different pods. Even if it doesn't appear in game, call it valkyrie variation, in the spirit of mobile suit variation. Am sure it will sell like hotcakes, since the YF-30 shape is what everyone wants. p/s yes i thk there was a schematic explanation somewhere on the pods, but just for expressions sake..
  6. I see you like M+! I do too Have you tried putting the screencaps behind your valks and taking pics?
  7. whoa wouldn't have tot of galactus but can't unsee him now and to complete the look somehow get a silver Kieth riding a silver draken heheh... might be doable, of course I don't have hayate so will have to use messer when he gets off the postman's truck...will see..
  8. As close to a batsignal as i can muster...
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    here is a preview tucked away...31e folded
  10. you might say.....release the cracken! heheh ahem.
  11. I doubt it...would think that the wing itself will add more parts than the barabatos...who knows?
  12. Where is messer? haha...
  13. 2017年5月11日~14日 靜岡HOBBY SHOW 2017 – BANDAI公開 試版實物: HI-RESOLUTION MODEL 1/100 WING GUNDAM ZERO EW版 incoming....might be quite intersting to see how realistic they can get this
  14. why isn't HLJ carrying the Model Graphix Macross Archives Magazine? Cant find the HLJ link for this...
  15. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Frak awesome OUTDOOR pic!
  16. I thk they jyst might get the rg to contain both unicorn and destroy modes. Is there demand for two separate modes? Even with hg I got the banshee destroy mode cos I liked that mode, but I couldn't be bothered to get the unicorn mode after i did the destroy mode...
  17. RG unicorn sounds like a heap of trouble. Talk abt a lot of micro parts of an RG + with a complex model like the unicorn. Was already sloggin thru a HG unicorn destry mode build, this...phew...
  18. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Wowsers! Talk abt a place to put all your figs... On the labors was referring to the latest robot spirit ones..Granted am not sure of their scales on paper, but they look as of they could scale well in too. As usual Macross World is a crack den!
  19. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Whoa!! Toy heaven! btw I hope you got yourself some patlabor sets cos they will fit in perfectly too!
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