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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Its available for pre order at hlj.
  2. Succinctly summarized. Of course unless the new show next year will have more graphic vio.....nah...lol..just sharing cos i tot it was nicely contrasted...
  3. AUGUST release!!
  4. slo mo done with intent can add detail to otherwise blurry fight scenes...i liked the slow mo kick to the general in the guard tower...reminded me of ole jackie chan flicks..
  5. After a second viewing....in fact i thk she looks even hotter than a first viewing if that's possible and i thk i appreciated the edits and flow of the plot better too...patty's use of close up and timed slow mo's are quite effective...
  6. hmm breaking bad ....in the air! he should have one scene when he flies inverted....
  7. You will nvr know, if there is it might have to wait till the deltas walkure are all covered first ..
  8. o boy o boy to get or not...
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    https://twitter.com/worldly_desire2/status/871761130057744385 Boy a 31F fleet might look nice... reaper as the double nuts scheme and with 01,02,03 with no reapers...Almost looks like operational scheme colors...
  10. John Cena was a kylie fan too!
  11. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    by the power of google...found the old thread discussion... As per what graham mentioned and...i dont think it was ever resolved, if am not mistaken...
  12. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks for the pic, looks more awesome then i tot it would, tweeters galore heh! Looking at the screenshots it still looks like there is a seperate box underneath the deployed doors...maybe its anime trickery again... I recall this being asked before and there was a screenshot of the gunpod still hung underneath the 31 with the soundpods on top during launch from the aether.... Whether that was a mistake or not i wasnt sure... Plus didnt hayate/mirage or messer have a gunpod in hand during one of the fights against the drakens in the soundpod episode?
  13. 07:00...everyone alright back here? Still shaken. Great voice acti*...uhh reading!
  14. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That's some way cool posting skillz... Darn, the dash of red of Arad's SP's especially on the shins, sure do look nice... It looks like the sound booster pack is deployed like a tied up ribbon, sitting on the split pod from the screenshots above hmmm..
  15. Loved loved this back in school and still do. Will catch the podcast..
  16. We have a name for the movie! ....Seriously, that's the name there... plus val is attached to the movie also..hope it's a appearing role and not just a producer role..
  17. Would you have to do the weathering yourself or are the promo pics the actual paint job and all you have to do is snap fit like a pg gundam?
  18. Just watched it and agree its the best DCU movie thus far. Very entertained and chris pine's character started corny but in the end was quite relatable...supporting cast was good and lastly the star of the show gal gadot was breathtaking! fight scenes oozes with amazonian spirit.....the scene at the town with tank and tower especially will be much talked abt/remembered after the movie.....villian was quite menacing also and provided amazing visual fight scenes... Overall definately an entertaining yet empowering movie for women and the younger generation and the menfolk will enjoy a nice action romp...
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