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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Boy would i like to see this on a yetistand. But definately a single butt peg wont be stable enough, the only other solution is to have a waist claw or somehow have a customised adapter that clips under the backpack like a cradle. Yea hopefully the finished product will come with these...
  2. Victory was my goto song to get things done back then!
  3. Allright!! Now lets grab the torchlights and slowly shine on the PF version!
  4. Oh i thk i would prefer da motoslaves other than garlands...but then art is subjective..
  5. Moar pics in da wild and i dont thk it will be able to stand without the support looking at that back pack and the thin feet...
  6. I think we will need black lights to see it exactly that way, it wouldnt be so bright under normal darkness if am not mistaken....
  7. http://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12298033985.html translated via google...... "Privately, I use the same mold as the previous work, I feel like adding a sticker. Mandatory type is normal specification. As usual it is a good size. The fortress type exhibition is the "PF" version. Although the content of "PF" has not been confirmed, it looks like that with inking & phosphorescent painting. I'm thinking about calming down the entire surface with mud clear." It seems that arcadia is mulling it over what to add into the premium finish (PF) version in terms of glow in dark and even adding a clear mud color??! Should we start calling PF versions now?
  8. THE BACK!
  9. Oooh looking forward to ur pics of the 0s noel! Yup that would appeal to those who missed out on the 0s the last time...and maybe a chance to release an 0A with stable hip joints too !!
  10. This is arcadia. No preorder madness. Probably arcadia would do premium only if in the long run the regulars turn out to b shelf warmers and the premiums sold out. How likely is that to happen tho, as some folks aren't too concerned abt using the stickers and might still want the cheaper alternative if they are offered it.
  11. so we will hit the same decision point again come preorder day..should we wait for a premium version?
  12. That was a shameless money grab by bandai on a few secs screen time ..where iz the real DX yf bandai!!
  13. Thanks for the comparison pic wmkjr! That's what a premium edition shld be, where the regular doesn't even have those marking stickers. Heard abt some PE sets too available separately from the regular in jenius's review of the olde regular version..http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=4389 it would be great if Arcadia included those too in a premium. btw the color seems different too. It's err...pale (pls not pink!!) white?
  14. Will be watching if there are pink missiles.
  15. Will there be a lot of decals to tampo in the premium version for the SDF? Surely it cant be that much...
  16. Yup i read that the complete art works book had aramaki's involvement. There was some discussion in this thread when it first was teased but nothing much in detail tho. I thk the new sentinels version does look more stylish, but i did notice there was a lil bit of space under the chest armor when viewed from the side. Am not splitting hairs, whats important to me is the robustness and the proportions .
  17. i thk riobots shoulders arent canonical i suppose...
  18. Ok am putting down both as comparison, not quite sure which parts are canonical v non-canonical.. I see, but doesn't that mean that the riobot version is more canonical then? I didnt realise there was a modern interpretation..
  19. Has there been a discussion on the differences between this riobot and the anime versions? Just wondering how substantial are the differences...
  20. View from Top...
  21. Cool, the seven swords looked on the slim-ish side so tot you might have gone with the longer focal. The angled pose helped!
  22. Nice shot saburo! Still on a 50 or an 85/100 mm lens?
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