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Everything posted by seti88

  1. So cool! Someone shld totally make a movie/streaming series using the cartoon characters and setting...
  2. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

  3. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

  4. The true MAX variant appears! i.e. warehouse bulk purchase of blue is cheaper! You are getting too predictable bandai....😄😂
  5. Oooh that would be nice to see that on a FJ cruiser back! Pics pls if/when you got your livery chosen and done...
  6. Sigh am getting fed-up that most merchandise tees are always black...not just in macross...
  7. and they will paint all their ship landing gears white for some strange reason. 😅
  8. Why does a patek retail at 1 million 💲💲? Because there are folks ABLE and WILLING to buy them. Any questioning after that is moot. 😄
  9. oh. Havent heard of em. Newly established? Too painful a memory. Hidden away and only re-surfaces for a bit after new order confirmations.
  10. CDJ was always a nice alternative...oh well.. Wishing more onl retailers do more of this staggered/delayed release, like what ami did for this 0d release....might help deter scalpers too...
  11. Some JP shops do have non JP tax rates but it depends on the popularity of the item i suppose... Amazon scammers! 30k! ...i wonder how they got it listed under bandai's official link too...
  12. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    So you collect HMR? 😁😄 btw bandai's trident stands for the win!
  13. 😁 AE has been doing this for a long time...the past decade or eversince i knew them.....well it does help to keep scalpers away....or scalpers with shallow pockets anyway..
  14. Careful. Its not a score at AE until you paid for it now. I learnt that before during another pre-order...completely forgot abt paying it and it was gone. Even tho i managed to put in an order. Thats the peculiarity of AE.
  15. Scam detected?!? https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/agency/yahoo/product/speedwagon_10009654 https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/agency/yahoo/product/taroubou_4573102651266 Double the MSRP price on pre-order day...sheesh... even on amazon?? https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B0BX2L8X9G/ref=sr_1_1?crid=J0WXU2VUGHRB&keywords=マクロス+0d&qid=1677665400&sprefix=%2Caps%2C258&sr=8-1 Folks don't buy from these scammers!$%#^#
  16. How much is a 1/60 0D again? 😂 Just pulling your leg. Your 💲, your choice and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Plus the fact a1/60 OD is truly a beautiful model esp with the PF version, HMR isn't even in the same territory.
  17. https://www.hlj.com/hi-metal-r-orguss-bans64970 at HLJ..
  18. yeah i got HLJ too. No discount at AE but at least its still up...https://anime-export.com/index.php?product=65681 was waiting for CDJ but sold out at CDJ... https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-629947
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