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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    And yet, bandai hasnt quite announced their christmas DX valk? there should be some word this month or early next methinks...
  2. Beautiful scheme on a beautiful bird! really nice and naturally made flight pics as well! I thk it works better for kits than toys to appear in sky backgrounds cos of the matt v glossy plastic factor..
  3. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    lol where did that buzzsaw come from? It fits the scale nicely...
  4. bandai's answer...
  5. Its a delicate balance, to have the hype train going vs old favorites. If we didnt have new valks, then it might get pretty stale if all we had were variants. So am all for kawamori-san pushing the envelop, just glad he is still doing it! But on bandai's part releasing valks, the amt of variants per model (ie 31 and 262) has suppressed options of releasing old fav's..Put it down to maximising returns on a mold...thats how it goes... Maybe bandai needs a new line...the 1/60 favorite valks of the macross series line....Oh i think i just described premium bandai ...
  6. Cmon folks, this is good news!! As long as the hype is alive, we get more chances for valk releases like the vf9, 22 or maybe new variants! haha YES!!! And he pilots the new armored 31!!
  7. I wonder if kawamori-san will have time to design armored versions and more valks with the next macross series coming in 2018 too. Definitely would like an armored 31 tho! Tenjin-san was also in russia lately, maybe he is looking at russian birds to input to kawamori for upcoming valk designs!
  8. Yup was mentioned at the end of the rock japan event sunday jp time..
  9. With the delta movie announcement, maybe there will be surprises in store there for bandai to release. Whether or not you like the premise of a delta movie, i would think it does increase chances for a bandai VF-22 DX or a VF-9.
  10. Haha yes less of re-setting of battles where windermere were clearly winning! And less scissoring!
  11. Not sure what this is about...is there a macross delta movie announcement or just being considered?
  12. wow that astro photo looks crisp and clear! wish i can get away from all the ambient light to do that someday! Such nice scenary to be around, i would need a long vacation just to have the time to take photo's at each spot!
  13. boring calculation stuff...
  14. LOL I was thinking the very same thing!
  15. http://hobby.dengeki.com/news/429883/
  16. LOL
  17. Haha i just so happen to remember those songs that impacted me during my teen years! Another one... Thanks to the internet have been able to track down those songs that meant so much to me back then. I think the song was sung by akino arai, but back then i didnt know who sang it..
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