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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Uta Macross!

    How does one get this game on iphone or ipad for folks outside japan?
  2. Haha I enjoyed GITS but point duly noted. And on the flip side, m also for any macross movie that would bring the inevitable merchandising that follows..need more chances for some pilot figurarts!
  3. So it's March 14th 2021!! wait... so is it March 15th that hikaru appears in a skirt to yell FREEDOM? Tatsu had better revoke it then or else!!! Please Sony, wait till then to make a Macross movie!! On second tot, please anyone else besides Sony make a macross movie heheh...
  4. At last some WIPs on the Ba...nice post mickyg! Did you get roids white deculture version? I want to but the usual time contraints...
  5. it's packed in there somewhere as there were comments on it... Liking the internals of the open missile pods...
  6. Kawaii! also frm the link...
  7. VF-171 delta variant?
  8. Probably a money grab, but they ought to be quite certain they can get something, are there still legal arguments to be made against tatsunoko? Also does anyone know if there an expiry to the distribution license that HG holds?
  9. seti88

    Macross figures

    ah yes that glorious sunday in end Oct 2015! macross fever It took 2 years for a white sheryl to appear...maybe breetai isnt far behind! here ya go...soon perhaps? btw they hid her elbow joints quite well in the white version...
  10. Wow who found it? Must be some macross fans in the legal profession? Pls update this thread with any info..
  11. Must say am liking the low-viz no step markings! Cant say for sure if it changes the overall look of the valk in its entirety?
  12. Have no idea how he got the leg missile pods/packs, but you may be right. However, the non-renewal armor parts are perhaps on the smaller side?
  13. dang custom skilz. Maybe arcadia will release a version with leg packs in the future...
  14. All governments have propaganda ...its just a matter of the degree of 'marketing'... I like the lighter colour outer lining scheme in the video, but cant wait to see other schemes tho... Read the business insider that India, Iran and South Korea were scheduled for it
  15. time for russian propaganda.... so advanced that includes photoshop stealth mode!
  16. Nope, really awaiting those pics...maybe end of the month at C3 Tokyo perhaps? dang checked the exhibitors list and it doesnt seem to have sentinel..
  17. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    My fav is the phalanx...somehow those lovely M's on each missile barrel are burnt into my memory to represent destroids ever since they appeared in macross...
  18. Those pics are sweet @Lolicon ! U thinking abt weathering ur premium strike parts too? But i must say the contrast between weathered valk and shiny strike parts is very nice as well..a veteran fighter going for a new sortie yums...
  19. ahhh makina mechanic model kit/figurart/anything pls.....no brainer bandai/megahouse/whoever!! melting...
  20. yup the yamato itch is still there..*scratch scratch*
  21. makes u wish bandai released maintenance personnel, ladders and deck dio like in the boxart!
  22. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    unboxed pics in the tweeted link..
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