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Everything posted by seti88

  1. consider us teased! Tho i think many possibilities exist with this set. In addition to the lil drakens, you will have sword poses with or without the drakens...or with voltron? hahaha..just joking saburo...
  2. Looks like another macross book filled with lineart and technical notes to be released next month? Anyone know where to pre-order, seems only HS was carrying the pre-order...
  3. The Tomytec vf-1 gerwalk kits come with extra markings such as wolfpack and sundowners to name a few... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/43003-tomytec-gimix-1144-vf-1/?page=5
  4. taghobby this will show off your panel lining efforts very nicely..
  5. gerwalk?
  6. Gee whiz cmon arcadia no brainer release here!
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Must resist... and yes i know resistance is futile but must think of the 31a, think of the 31a but dang she is turning out to be a hard one to catch...hmmm..
  8. muahaha you just gave me something to try out! Thx!
  9. For some sense of scale perhaps?
  10. Tempted to ask how you did that! Or is there such a case available?
  11. Whoa nice pics derex3592. Didn't expect the packs and the lil drakens to looks these good attached in fighter mode. I had tot to display the lil drakens flying, but may consider em attached on the wing. Somehow it makes the 262 seem a lil longer? And those missile pod lines make the 262 top down view even more awesome! Gah mine are still stuck in prep in N-Y...
  12. i prefer an armor bundle and not double of more or less the same valk! I hope they will go easy on the stripes if they do decide to annivesarise the 25...its skinny enough without needing stripes to make it look skinnier... Itasha's need to be tasteful, then yes! But it is art after all and beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder!
  13. Nice! Gerwalk looks so much better with wings tucked to the side instead of overhead..
  14. Mmm was thinking more among the lines of...hmr alto vf-25! Lol
  15. Via google translate ......exhibition of the year? No pressure...Wish i could take a vacay to tokyo then... btw next year is the 10th anniversary of frontier isnt it? ......
  16. OT: Just checked and this year seems to be the 25 anniversary of macross II. If hase/wave wants to release a vf2 kit, now would be a nice time.. Maybe the anniversary wasnt hyped up so much so that kawamori-san wouldnt be too annoyed?
  17. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Just glad am able to secure an actual ve-1 toy after all these years, and at an affordable price at that. Even if Arcadia rereleases it, with the current prices I don't think I would b able to afford it without selling body parts hehe...
  18. Your shipment should be registered SAL, no? There is mention of cheapo registered SAL with some protection..https://earth.mandarake.co.jp/help/insurance-en.html like what wmkjr mentioned. However am not sure on the details nor the mechanics to claim tho. No harm emailing them to ask, and if you dont mind also relate us your experience.
  19. Third err conded! Thank you for all your efforts, you da man shawn! btw am running darkblue current and am liking it!
  20. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Congratz! ...Now i cant wait to see the beautiful boxart!
  21. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    HLJ order stop and N-Y sold out...9 left at CDJ...ami and AE however are still available
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