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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I initially decided for a 31F, 31E and a 31A but have been waffling on the J reaper and S. Hmmm..
  2. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    I caved and ordered!
  3. seti88

    Macross figures

    So much of mirage!
  4. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Like you said, also think it looks 'meh' cos it mutes down the colors. btw, what feeling did you get if you put hayate's SP's on mirage?
  5. ooo 2 PF valks = 1 PF SDF + leftovers
  6. Urgh revisiting macross legal history making my brain hurt. Time for some sheryl nome loving LOL... as in OST!
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    hehe no worries, even if there were no shoots, the yamato_girlsXmacross_frontier will still be in my dreams! I myself would bite and look to complete the line if bandai released more girls. Only thing, i cant photograph properly due to the extreme clutter around me. On the yellows yeah the white would break it up, i do hope the yellow shades turn out to be distinctive enough for differentiation..
  8. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ooo yamato_girlsXmacross_delta discussion in da houz! saburo - double fighter shot, 29 30th anni + 31 chuck with yuki, am not sure if all of them can fit in one shot...might be too yellow too lol...
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Was the hmr vf-1 gbp an event exclusive and was it p-bandai too, cos they displayed it in the vid for 2014... I cant remember... either way if its p-bandai the preorder shouldnt b that mad at least... plus i already have hayates supers ready, if i decide to get it, just missing the Reactive missile..lol
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Other than the black stripes and reaper, yeah there isn't much difference. I wonder if there will be reaction missiles packed in? For a price of 21,000yen thats a nice deal if they are... Am also not sure if its part of bandai's lottery system where you win a chance to buy these exclusives by entering a contest earlier?
  11. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    As per google translate; New selling method! "Advance commemoration commodity" which becomes a web advance purchase system All eight items are prepared this year! And, introducing the first "advance first-come purchase"! After the first arrival order at premium Bandai, we will accept items at the venue during the event. To order, do not forget to register as other premium Bandai products as well as advance membership registration (free) are required! Detailed purchase method and notes will be announced sequentially on this site. I think its going to be a P-Bandai item, with the option of getting it then and there at the event?! Now, when is the pre-order date?? O' yea! The closest to a figuarts pilot as can be mustered so far!
  12. Gunpod has the same color stripe for every 31 valk. It stands out more on mirage and will probably do on chuck due to the contrast with bright solid colors.
  13. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I love all the looks and modes of the 31. For me there is no wrong display option.
  14. I agree! Its taller than i expected and certainly is one of the iconic poses of plus! Thanks spanner, it was a used item, so that probably contributed to it being priced cheaper. Quite happy to see the fig and the included stand in a pristine condition tho..
  15. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks for the links lolicon, i might be able to secure some from local retailers... I thk mirage's head is the best overall, due to the top/bottom visor design .. i didnt get her tho cos wallet is pretty sapped at the mo.. hmm lets expand that to pinpoint glo-sticks for walkure concerts! lovely dreams of mirage!
  16. yup pretty much, tho the dark blue camo color he painted on was more evident in the su-35 prototype. I thk the T-50 colors were pretty much all grey... i dont quite see that blue in the t-50 camo..
  17. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    dangit lolicon, not you got me googling for light/beam/saber/sword/sticks! never knew i needed one till now...
  18. count on @Saburo to make the lil drakens look great attached in gerwalk and battroid!! Gee saburo you always make me wish i had huge display cabinets with soft overhead lighting to display them macross valks in....nicely done!
  19. YAHOOOOOOO! Got via mandarake, tho the shipping is more expensive than the fig 400yen + 700 yen shipped..
  20. Frakk thats a beaut!!
  21. Dammit more distraction!! taghobby taghobby barzam bf
  22. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    oops wrong thread, i just got my lil drakens shipped!
  23. Its a wonder who you managed to find it...tried all day yesterday and not even a trace of it on amazon... long story short pre-ordered! boy October/November is gonna be expensive...got a akira boxset pre-order as well at the same time..
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