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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    32k is not a pre order, it's a scalp.
  2. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    What tv show are they referring to? The announcement of the movie on the 10th? gee I feel so deflated after such elation!!
  3. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This news made my day!!!! Cant wait!! tamashii nations reveal at the end of October perhaps? If so then either a January or April target?
  4. yes....I.................enjoyed it on its own merits! I try not to compare series'es to each other as i think each series adds its own personality to the overall. This ain't no damm borg hive! Opps dont compare...lol
  5. Oh i see, that's something new for me, never saw this ever b4 even in artshops. hmmm...
  6. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Aww it would matter if i was going to get it...but i already decided to 'stick' to something else
  7. What i meant was more to the use of pen markers with air brush systems. Has that been around? I saw the beginner sets in art shops but they had ink jars and worked with compressed air cans (yes i heard the cans were expensive etc)
  8. hmm .... thinking abt; 1. cost - how much are gundam markers again vs lets say small bottles of aryclics/enamels? - using compressed air cans? 2. are copic/gundam marker ink particles less dangerous without spray booths? Who knows, right? 3. expect spray patterns to be a lot more spotty than traditional ink well airbrushes? Just wondering if this marker spray set-up is a good idea... Has this set-up been around a while? guess the above is different from the csi creos version below...
  9. Aw just 20 yen cheaper then AE, but with pay later option. I am sticking with AE since i have a MG kit there to ship together. Hoping i can get some savings that way. Heh still milking the mold after all these years.. I must have forgotten or missed that announcement, thanks for the clarification.
  10. Woah... Mospeada kits by aoshima... Same scale too! Squadron building anyone?!
  11. Yea the mazinger has been nibbling at my tots too...i wish i can say i will outright get it..
  12. wooohoo! http://www.anime-export.com/product/37540 18k! LOL other than AE, both looking out for it at NY too eh slave4?
  13. Nice new pics! Rest of em in here...https://ameblo.jp/sen-ti-nel-info/entry-12312776984.html
  14. I was trying to look up information on the weight of my items on ami but doesn't really say, so i might have to check out the weight of the VE and Rei somewhere else. Am just wondering if i stick 'stick' in the shipment it will be below 2 kg (max weight for SAL) for the HMR VE, figurarts rei and riobot. Altho ido realise its volumetric weight and not the actual weight. Plus, based on the price of the combined shipment i might be attracting customs...gah...decisions decisions... Gee probably will just go with CDJ too....unless NY/AE wakes up soon!
  15. Does anyone have any experience combining orders with ami? I have the VE and rei coming out in jan as well, would there really be a savings in shipment?
  16. Cool! HLJ came thru at a nice price! Whats the best shipping rate amongst this? I would qualify slow and traceable...seems CDJ seems very competitive with their registered SAL economy?
  17. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-251568?s_ssid=e46b8559cdb05c5a75 Based on the latest riobot shingetter looks like NY/AE are cheaper by 1000 so yen...HLJ would be the priciest... Tho m not sure the pricing calc after shipping....
  18. that seems like the photo's from bbts... that aside, price is cheaper! Cmon ami/hlj and rest of the gang...list it already! HEY! It seems the amazon link is sold by amiami! hera ya go! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-033794&page=top
  19. i tot so too, but with bbts having such detailed photo's of it, there might be some leaks somewhere?... Regardless, have pre-ordered with bbts too since its cancel-able.
  20. Any listings on the japanese retailers yet?
  21. Initially my tots exactly as well. Then I realised it could just be restating the HG elephant in the room. Hence am still expecting it via ami/hlj etc.
  22. Certainly spoilt for choice between HM, JC and CalWings (for their frogfoot). JC's latest ukranian flanker scheme isnt too bad looking either, nosecone notwithstanding.
  23. Damm this garland is photogenic. I dare say even making me look away from a cyclone..heh
  24. I hope they look at all the other toy releases and price it to be competitively affordable!
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