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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Here ya go, twitter thread....
  2. That looks non destructive, imagine it doesn't take too much force to pull out! Seems bandai might be thinking of future pod replacements too?
  3. King Kong reborn!
  4. i bet she is really an inspiration to her 2 daughters! WonderMama! Now that you mentioned it, points 1 and 2 below i thk were definitely whedon-esque and a few more which i thk whedon might had a hand in... Man i said i didnt need to see it again after leaving the movie, but now am not too sure....
  5. Hmm TN 2017 is coming up.
  6. Glad to be of assistance! Half thought abt printing out some vf-2 valk lineart off the net and slotting it in between some pages for a more complete book haha... Here's a bit more.... The much favorited armored vf-11 And some interesting concepts from macross zero... Gee i wouldnt mind bandai/arcadia/anyone release concept valk toys..that would be an instabuy....
  7. Gosh happened to miss this thread.... interested to see the final result sanity! Still early days i guess, hope the physical swapping out of the existing pod wont be too much of a pain. Way to make a near perfect model perfect-er!
  8. I don't think the nosecone will deter those collectors who see this more as a once in a lifetime kind of release, which may turn out to be so, if sales are not responsive.
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I would also add almost perfect except for a charger hanging overhead when carrying missiles in the leg pod but hey that's the storyline.
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hubba hubba ... Cmon bandai release a 01 modex or arad version too!
  11. Am a lil bummed tho that there isn't any M2 VF-2 references in the book tho....wasnt a fan of the show but still there are valks in there!
  12. Probably mentioned somewhere before, but found the name of the SV-154 SVARD in the latest macross designers note book... Not to mention some vampire and 22 schemes...
  13. the fabled SV-154 SVARD...... Jenius vampire markings in delta... and what i think is hayate's pop's plane...
  14. Had a mini scare today! Corner of the package was wet and tearing! .. Feverishly opened it up to find the corner safe and dry! Must have just happened so no chance of any damage to occur...i got it of amazon.jp, so i thk it should be covered anyway if there is such damage... Just have some time for quick snaps! Coming in at 271 pages of illustrations, am not sure how to go through it without splitting the binding...........
  15. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Hikaru and a defender seems to be living on the edge.. Nice collection shot...
  16. Depends on how much that gunpla means to you? If its a model you really want to show off, then take the time to prime/paint the pieces individually.
  17. I think there are some folks who like the pearlised versions, since bandai keeps having pearlised versions of gunpla too..M not such a fan, but if its degree of 'pearling' fits then perhaps... Will painting white over pearl provide a matt'ish look if you dont like pearl? Else getting a HS, paint it white and use roid's stickers is a possibility, tho thats 2 kits.
  18. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Why not have the C and the A, just to represent a FSW and a non-FSW. Then your question would be supers or non supers else there is also the other alternative, in the unknown future for the A......the plamo route
  19. whats this crowdfunding of strike version? link to some sort of pre-order? http://amiami.jp/top/detail/detail?scode=FIGURE-034794
  20. My take on why K has memories of the wooden horse..
  21. Nice to get it! Mine is still in AE waiting to be shipped. Seeing your chunky 0A RA in the shot is feeding the anticipation of completing the build of the chunky hazel too!
  22. What a beaut! Nice shot hardreturn. Cant wait for bandai to release the white so both of them can be posed together!
  23. Frankly speaking, i didnt expect to enjoy build fighters as much, 'cos cmon ...gunpla that come to life? but it was a nice fun watch, with little takeaways like team spirit, perserverance, overcoming adversity and becoming one with your gunpla.
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