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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    TQ for the beautiful pics @Saburo! Messer looks like the badass he is! My favs of the set!
  2. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Thats interesting! Does it mention any breakage or will unscrewing detach the bottom and any translations of the text? the fsw vf-2 seems like a natural evolution of the vf-2 lol....
  3. Awww shucks....someone savvy enough shld try and take over ..... It really is helpful for those harder to find items...
  4. Lots of pics in the end of https://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-12330852375.html And ....
  5. on the bright side at least you know whatever coming to budget accordingly. my eye is on HM releases namely the sukhoi's, upcoming F-15 schemes, the agressor F-16 and the red diamonds Sabre. I do know i wont be able to afford some of these, have to figure out which i need to drop. Oh yea and cal wings Su-24 and jcwings releases as well...argh... Wont hear any objection from me if there is info to share! You collect 117s? Will you be getting the farewell version next April too?
  6. Anyone got HM's latest sukhoi prototype or operational scheme? Nicely done? Was on my list then stick came and 'overrode' the sukhoi...
  7. I was kinda hoping that bandai included armor, but didn't tease it yet. I mean, the armor didn't do much except explode in show, right? Paying TWE prices for armor plates is not something i would want... .....unless maybe it comes with a set of sticky mines on a chain attached to the armor and explosion effects! Cmon bandai do it!
  8. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    I thk we might be pretty set for the first half of next year for macross. I don't see any gaps for bandai to release anymore.
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The difference of 7344yen for the f supers to 8424yen would be the inclusion of the missiles... Which works out to 270yen per missile.. Depending on wat else is releasing in May, will consider it even tho I don't have mirages valk... Talking abt dates, September/december 18 appear to be ripe for chuck/arad releases since the first half would be the kai/A releases..
  10. I totally forgot abt this thread and posted the mention at the gunpla thread In between this and the HMR, next April already has 2 strong contenders! The battle effects parts on the alex look cool! Like you said a kampfer would be rad and i wouldn't mind a hygogg too! Lastly, I think we need a zaku 2 kai to pose with that battle damage...hehe...
  11. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh yeah baby!
  12. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    oh yea bring it bandai! In line with the SAP theme...dare i hope for a HMR VF-25 armored as well.
  13. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Ahhhh the sound of a bandai transformation video to awaken the senses! I think learning to transforming this thing would be an effort in itself. 1.Can see its a lil fiddly in transformation, even the demo guy had some difficulty pushing in parts... 2. Nice to see whole arms, back panels open up as storage to hide hands and undercarriage covers! 3. Expect to lose em white SAP tips, they are so small! 4. AWESOME poses with the VF-1 strike and GBPs!!! Saburo is gonna knock this out of the park! Am so HYPED! Pls oh pls do not have any major malfunctions bandai!!
  14. Next up from evo...
  15. Hmm .....a robot anime NT-1 fig in April next year....http://www.taghobby.com/archives/240381
  16. Perhaps the one in alaska?
  17. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    As much as i love to have a HMR M+, I dont see a reason for bandai to release anything plus related yet. 2020 being the 25th anniversary of plus, i think would be more meaningful... Still you never know of course.... Gee so many left to release...i wonder if bandai will cram everything SDFM/DYRL next year.... since 2019 would be the 25th anniversary of M7 too...haha....
  18. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    ^This! C'mon bandai.....rolls dice... At a quick scan i dont see any difference, but i dont think there will be difference if its a personalized emblem.
  19. R.I.P. sir. TQ for being part of a generation's childhood memories.
  20. THOR hands down. Saw em both, and enjoyed thor a lot more. That being said, JL did not suck as much as i tot it would. This is a time where i would say, see thor first but do try and make time for JL. and....WW will melt your heart Not going to give it away, and kinda annoyed waiting through the credits to see the last scene bit. Felt it was lazily done to say what it needed to say. Phew, i guess i wasn't weird in thinking that looked weird! Haha....
  21. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    TN2017 is coming up in abt 2 weeks?....perfect time to fan the macross flame. C'mon HMR VF-4!
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