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Everything posted by seti88

  1. I think the focus of the 31 took demand away from the draken for the moment. Not everyone can afford so many Dx'es in a short period. Other than that tho, the draken is the first and only single thruster valk in toy form from kawamori-san/bandai, ever since the original SDFM series. Definitely a must buy, even if its just for having a complete evolution of kawamori-san's design.
  2. Youtube doesn't do this performance justice. You will get goosebumps watching this in the cinema. Glad i caught it.
  3. Its a fun romp. Loved the whole gang playing out their avatars.
  4. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes! Missile squad reporting in!
  5. the vigna-ghina https://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2017/12/re100-xm-07-vigna-ghina-next-phase.html efreet https://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2017/12/hguc-1144-efreet-nacht-next-phase.html and a brylant too https://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2017/12/hguc-1144-byarlant-next-phase-gunpla.html
  6. happy new year!
  7. shouldn't the soul of the valk be a fig of kawamori-san then?
  8. Thats a nice blueish leaning tone!
  9. Bandai is ready to release multiple versions of the macross quarter DX.....
  10. most likely the case on the BA... as for the 31 hmmm never tried withe the existing but hope there is a way to attach them without getting new sets...
  11. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Considering i have them already..is there a way to get an existing solution out of them?
  12. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Messer flies again!! But what the heck... New display mode for messer folks!
  13. what the heck is going on?! stock up on the lil drakens set? and...the re-tweaked ba scheme, green and black instead of silver! me likey!
  14. Ok i take it back, might need to customise a room instead of a cabinet.
  15. For a moment, i tot you were suggesting the dendrobium to become a sub-woofer hmmm......naaahhh......
  16. yea that white dingo is terrible! pffft....
  17. An MB 02 would definitely be insta insta buy. Dat shield itself in metal and tampoed all over would be worth it. Tho i would like them to release a darn RG 02 first! wassup wit you bandai?!
  18. Wow if that ever was in MB form, i think i might also need to custom a display cabinet just for it! Tho pulling out metal missile canisters in MB form is indeed mouth watering!
  19. With Ron's pedigree and experience, i hope he will at least "try" to make something out of it, instead of being an obvious money grab by the powers that be using ron's star power to bring in the ticket sales.. An absorbing film worthy of praise? Now that would be something....
  20. Hoping very much for a MB GP-0anything....that's my insta-buy..
  21. Masterpiece to be shared
  22. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    masterpiece to be shared...
  23. WHOA!! After all these years? will it be the first bandai deep striker kit ever? I remember I got the MC deep striker few years back cos i couldn't find it ever being released by bandai...
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