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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Tot the extra's were photoshopped but then am not too sure, some slight angles and length differences in perspective...
  2. Hmmm does that mean all future 262 super packs will have a sword included?
  3. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The picture frame holder i had didnt have a long enough back, so the top of the valk felt like toppling over. Naturally the 31 is a long bird... I think i shall resume my search for a more stable one, perhaps in ikea...thks for the reminder!
  4. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, bandai didn't want to retool the nose, and guess they only retool area's they cant get paint over, such as the fold carbon collars... I thk the 31A would look quite cool with smoked canopies instead of gold, but guess bandai didnt want to fuss abt the canopies.....
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Another pic from the link you posted! Oh dayum am not sure if there is gonna be a rush on supers just based on this pic......
  6. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Aside from the 31A photo's, am loving the kronos all over again! two of em side by side in fighter mode looks awesome! also, If bandai sells more 31 valks with pod variations, our wallets will b in trouble! Yup, the often forgotten basic macross stand!
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    You never know, but so far every 31 valk release has a corresponding SP announced.
  8. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The question if super parts would attach is answered! And the answer is yes except the chest piece.... I guess the width of the fold carbons are too large as we discussed before...
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Strange how it makes the visor look flat tho...the detail must be really large and flush against the visor...
  10. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Woohoo pics! I tot there was another pre-order going on seeing how this thread is now LIT. The eye looks a little too flat/circular compared to the headshot on the box? perhaps its the angle... Seems like the hollowness of the eye is somehow forming an obvious ring in the visor...
  11. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    To quote bonnie tyler...Am holding out for a hero...31A ...arad version... but i do have the regular 31A on order too...
  12. i hear ya ...
  13. Ooo boy not liking the many delays on the ride armor. Fortunately i just ordered stick, but its paid for already via AE. And to think i could save $ shipping my MG Hazel with it...i better start shipping the hazel now...gulp i hope AE still has it and hasnt forgotten...
  14. Hmm for the 22, i had always tot that the main thrust still came from the feet, based on positions of the intakes feeding into the legs? The vector control nozzles in the top fuselage were then linked to the feet in fighter mode. But i digress, thanks for pointing out the valks without engines in the legs. Tho to my original question, those seem still to be primarily twin thruster output configurations (noted that it doesnt necessary exit via feet), with the one perhaps exception of the VF-22's backpack (which i had tot to be just vectoring nozzles linked to the feet) I thk the 262 is the only one in the macross verse coming close enough to change the intake to output thruster configuration. I.e. to have a twin side intake but single point output configuration (technically just 2 feet together). Even with the VAB-2/Fbz-99 from the lineart it seems the output was a one on each side(ie twin), thrust configuration.
  15. Sorry, I should have made it clearer to mean a primary thrust system of fighters, which in macross verse logically forms the feet. All design discussions so far have, and still revolve around, the standard twin pulposion system, in a purely naked fighter. The 262of course kinda bucks that configuration in its consolidated thrust output, even if it is twin intakes out front. Would a less humanoid, ...battroid be something to be attempted? And should gerwalk mode evolve too? The caveat that fighter mode should still b sleek. And that's just to not alienate the fan base too much by having a familiar fighter mode which lets face it, most fans love and mirrors a real life artefact. Things I think abt if I can't sleep....or rather that's why I can't sleep?! Lol....
  16. Has there been any valk concepts showing more than 2 thrusters? Am thinking for a next gen valk, is there any limitation on what defines a battroid? Can't it have 4 legs or 3 arms for that matter ala the Asian jaeger in Pacific rim..... hmmmmm...not sure what the feedback from the fan base that would be...
  17. Other than physics, he reminded everyone to never give up. RIP Dr hawking.
  18. Although i already have the HG stark and ECOAS, if there will be MG releases of those, i might bite! Yes....it has...been....that long...
  19. now that you mentioned star wars, the 31 valks with their wingtip down and in high speed chases had a tie fighter kinda vibe to em esp messer's high speed maneuver avoiding the draken's missile barrage when first shown... The only reason m liking any downtime is giving a breather to the wallet, but with what bandai teased in their TN events, we seem to be undergoing a renaissance of sorts now...
  20. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Rock Music + CF valk...
  21. Looks like a MG Jegan pandora's box is opening?
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