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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Haha forgot abt that! Thanks for the reminder...
  2. Maybe send a PM to @ChaoticYeti with the preferred configuration in mind and he can advise?
  3. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Frankly, I would rather avoid MK because of MK's track record of missing out of pre-orders and giving false hope that an order could be fulfilled. N-Y's refusal to refund you at this time may mean that its in stock but they don't want to lose your order at this time. However i would be crying fraud if N-Y seems to be hinting that they will give you store credit instead. And that is wrong, regardless of any lapse in paypal limits, as the seller did not give you the goods in the first place.
  4. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hmm N-Y is taking a big hit to their reputation and also taking on risks of holding stock instead of clearing, if all above are true. The 31a is hot potatoes granted, but there will always be hot potatoes one time of the other. Doesn't quite add up.
  5. What's next for Arcadia? Only new thang am looking out for is the SV-51, and even that i might pass if its too pricey. else...... *crickets*
  6. I want everything teased here; And also and... *WALLET GIF ALERT* Bandai has the macross market cornered!!!!!
  7. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    keep an eye out next month during the TN event...
  8. Haha that was a good one...
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    N-Y is certainly quirky. Am still annoyed at their combined package policies. I haven't heard of N-Y stiffing anyone in a big way though. Delays from them I have had too but granted the regult missile set wasn't as hot as the 31a. They took close to month after release before they contacted me. I ordered near the very end of preorder. I must admit I forgot abt it because I wasn't initially going to get it, due to the sdf PF too. Got it on the end probably abt 2 months after official release I thk.
  10. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Sh9000 got that price due to further points discounts he accumulated from the past. But that's an indication of how low you can go if u accumulate. Bear in mind how many sh 9000 buys tho... There is a section for that, it's in the toys wanted section. Lots of watch lists on various online shops...http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/forum/13-where-to-buy-macross-auctions-amp-dealers-specials/
  11. Very expensive room...
  12. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    As much as this shows off every configuration and is also beautiful, your valk's in the valk tank is still in my head! Thanks for the pic posts!
  13. Swooshing the HMR VE-1 whilst this song is filling the room....surreal....
  14. Not to mention the vf-171 of the cat folk...
  15. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Not a big issue, but i do hope bandai remembers to remove that one kite for the wing.
  16. Haha you know I don't have them skillz! But since u started the ball rolling, who knows maybe some nice customs will come out of it from macross world!
  17. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Sorry to hear that N-Y is ruining it for ya. Maybe consider taking up slaveiv's offer b4 pulling the trigger. The risk is there if N-Y doesnt refund you, but to each their own in evaluating risks i suppose.
  18. Noel, fishing for downvotes? what abt a black skull on yellow tho.... ...with apologies to saburo also. But hopefully if its just color concept testing, its not extreme modifications to the pic without permission. Totally understandable not to modify the picture in any way.
  19. You aren't the only one. Sometimes i do ask myself, can you see yourself parting with the purchase or not in the future? If you cant, then modify away, cos its yours! Else you would be erasing part of the legacy for someone else. The extreme case of course, is that you correct it so well that it actually is 10 times better, and makes it more special for someone to enjoy in the future!
  20. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I doubt N-Y will run away with any pre-order funds. They might be slow, but not to the extent of not refunding. Folks are free of course, to do whatever they wish to feel satisfied with their purchases.
  21. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Since this is a HMR thread, crossing fingers and toes for a HMR VF-4 in FB colors....or valk launch arm....and perhaps a N-ger.......and maybe a regult scout....
  22. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nice pic spanner! My single A just came in today as well. With that color, looks a bit like 3 great whites (with them fins and all) circling ur valk tank! ......
  23. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    For VT-1's head to tuck away as per lineart, wouldn't it need to recess down the neck? From the HMR promo pics i dont see them doing that at all.
  24. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Suspect it may be for the vt-1 boxart. Nevertheless a separate release would b nice too.
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