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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Will this new plane include the messer fig as well? Other wise, technically you might not still have gotten messer..
  2. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think its more of perhaps clearing the 262 DX stock since the existing lil draken sets have kieth's 262 sword and shield. Before mirage i think everyone is waiting for the elvis valk tho... ...
  3. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah if what is translated is true, then the lil drakens sets are gonna be in demand. *Start conspiracy theory: If lildraken sets are bought, for those who didnt get a 262, they might be influenced to utilize the shield and sword and get a 262. Seeing as the 262 wasnt selling as fast, one wonders if perhaps bandai had a hand in influencing the movie to add the drakens to messer. *end conspiracy theory Of course if bandai does release a seperate lil draken set without shield, then that theory is out. Seeing how they didnt release a blue fast pack when the 31J kai was released, then possibility of a separate lil draken set might be slim.
  4. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I like messer's scheme which offers a more neutral base to pair nicely with any other super parts haha...and not (i feel) the other way around.
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    since i already have messer, am gonna pass on this and save for chuck.
  6. Most likely, tho not sure when...and maybe a unicorn CF version too? AH! CCA mecha fights... back to this release tho, 1. the eye slots should be thinner and longer for a more aggressive look 2. the chest hatch looks too large and thick somehow.
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    As long as nicks and scratches aren't significant, I wouldn't put off transforming valks. there is going to be some wear and tear in everything physical the moment we use it.
  8. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Don't forget the yang figure and also a fold ...err...d...booster!
  9. definately enjoyed deadpool 2 compared to the first. laughed more throughout...the opening sequence set the ball rolling haha...
  10. Yea I have been trying to find out if this is going to be a pure comic franchise event or something else. Maybe someone will be able to work out the event map?
  11. Hmm that might be my first queen song too, but no. Cos i didn't know it was queen who sang it when i was a kid!
  12. am waiting for that tallgeese EW version with the wings mentioned in the vid haha... talking of bird features...RE 1/100 incoming!
  13. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    i would generally agree with you on the looming armor parts, except on one point. And that point depends if the fast packs for the A's come with their own modex i.e. 03 on the shield. if they do, then it would make sense to release a 03 fast pack now to avoid interest falling off in future.
  14. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    *Crossing fingers and toes for a 31A fast packs announcement next*
  15. Well this for one is gonna be the movie to sit through the end credits! And maybe dance on the cinema stage too! haha BTW, my first queen song that i ever heard was radio gaga and was singing gaga and goo goo whenever i could
  16. everytime sh9000 posts a line-up, macross battle soundbites keep pop-ing in my head.
  17. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    i found the 20th anni of the 29 as a perfect example of how an anniversary/homage scheme should look like, not too gaudy and with complimenting colors. The skull tampo on the chest was a nice homage, and the co-incidental black tiger stripes on the side in fighter mode sold it for me!
  18. haha i think that would be a challenge to mold. how to keep the hooks nicely tucked at the sides of the legs? posting a pic here attn: @Blackaces ! thanks to @no3Ljm for the reminder!
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