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Everything posted by seti88

  1. Yes, please do not misplace the tampon!
  2. Anything is possible i would say. But with bandai's 19 coming out, an inevitable 21 DX would take the wind out of any of Arcadia's sails (sales) for 21/22.
  3. back to shooting in auto mode?
  4. good one... the post infinity war edition.
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    such a sight to behold....
  6. living vicariously thru the pics as usual! looking yums! hopefully no annoying defects or what not!
  7. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Gosh that's inspirational and easy! That was a very good re-use of the sets, i didn't know they existed, it adds such a nice sci-fi look to the hangar.. thanks for the insight, i might look for those diorama sets or similar!
  8. RIP to a comics legend..
  9. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    The lighting is so befitting a hangar. Is it difficult to setup? nicely done...
  10. Talk abt color coordination ...dat bed sheet too
  11. The Phoenix firebird would look cool as a display!
  12. while unicorn would of course take centre stage, I thk am more fan-boi 'ing on the possibility of the shinanju in a live action movie...and of course the neo zeong.... Let's hope the cgi is up to scratch...
  13. Woah they made a clear version 1/100 valk haha....
  14. A special page to introduce Premium Finish items which we sell in the past So if i take it and put a 'to' after premium items, that would make sense to expect more PF's. I suppose they will set up a dedicated page for PF announcements as well. As for the second line to hold campaigns for outsource/cancelled goods, that would likely mean re-releases i take it. Wonderfest is coming up end of the month, will wait to see what they mean...
  15. Haha thanks but still don't get what the announcement means.
  16. whats the announcement about?
  17. Thats gonna take nub cleaning and seamline sanding to a new level. Break out the chainsaw and belt sander. Btw thats snap fit right?
  18. oh yea to reproduce the hygogg using the gm as a shield scene! forgot it had that included... kinda wished the gm release had more stuff tho, like a limp wrist when it got shot or even bulletholes effects.
  19. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I dont read the manuals either. . . . I just wait for jenius's video.
  20. I gotta admit, i was stopping at the alex release cos i just wanted a representation of the 0080 series in toyform. but the hy-gogg release got me thinking if i could get the whole 0080 mecha's as a series display. Thus i loaded up on the kai and gm which i passed on earlier... Now am really hoping for a kampfer release with nice cool effect parts! I wonder if they will be having bullet hole ridden armors to swap in and out .... bandai has got me....dang....
  21. thanks was refreshing N-Y looking for it but you got it! not significantly different from CDJ, so i will probably get it a CDJ, since i have points there. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-291085
  22. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Link works for me.
  23. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    will be onl for today's pre-order but will be for the hygogg instead i dont think there wil be any pre-order madness for gilbert's vf-2 but thats just my take...i would catch the zzzz's....
  24. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    heheh if i had them skilz i would be a rich man! as it is just sharing the love of the 31a.... and waiting for anything else 31a related to come out....
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