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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Bandai has so many macross valks to choose from, it would be a shame to spend time re-releasing the exact same valk. They can still address the sales potential by tweaking the same mold, like the auto industry, facelifting. So am not sure if the vf-19 advance is exactly a cash cow. Would you still want one if you can get the yf-19 instead? On the 31a, I think bandai has no rush to release an arad or 02 version. Although as a collector I wish they did, but since the demand for it seems so strong, why not reserve it for slower sales period or even ride out on the inflation pricing. So, does it seem like bandai has the macross market cornered?
  2. I dont mind waiting but yeah it would be cool to know when is the release...
  3. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not sure what you mean? Bandai did release the YF-19 Full Set..
  4. *faints*
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I would say chuck is definitely a given, knowing there will be demand for squad completion. The walkure brand is too compelling for a 5th valk not too appear. The A on the other hand, yes i agree bandai may/may not re-release, however seeing at how the 31A sells like hotcakes (even non-transformable kits), it would really be un-bandai'ish to turn away from such a huge sales potential. On the 262, i still think its an iconic valk, probably demand for it was lost in the hype of all the 31 releases. That may have made bandai decide to try to release more (like the elvis valk) in a slow drip fashion (say over 3-5years? after the movie), rather than a surge like the 31 valks..
  6. Yeah probably is. Just wondering if there were more details.
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    There are still the 31A arad and 31A 02 potential releases. For the 30, not as much. Tho you might say it’s strange Bandai only used the 30 mold once.
  8. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    the draken connectors and usage with the existing sv 262 drakens parts
  9. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Onnasake...as isamu would say it...yahooo!
  10. Man, if true, a FB2012 color scheme in toy form. How long have we been waiting for that. If bandai pulls it off well, it will be awesome if they make variants. After all, even the VF-2 had another variant release, and bandai wouldn't just milk the mold once. Hopefully sales would be good enough. Who am i kidding right.....
  11. Perhaps the release plans for destroids got......destroyed!
  12. Hmr vf-4! Vf-4! hopefully the horse awakens!! and it looks like there will b Macross at TN after all! Hehe and perhaps the 19 wording means vf-19 Kai DX?!
  13. Anyone can make out info on the card?
  14. Am also hoping for something from that series, but waiting for a MB.... I would also bite on a robot spirits on 0083, if they included lots of accessories which so far in the 0080, except the GM, they seem to have...
  15. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just need some photo's in saburo's hanger then. Yea, i just cant imagine it being released in any other form being from a game, so that sort of fulfill's the rare aspect of it.... Of course, being from a game it may not resonate so much with regular macross viewers but since its the 31 is evolved from it, perhaps there is demand there.
  16. Can’t wait for the inevitable Kampfer robot spirits...am hoping Bandai also has the other GMs for a complete 0080 collection ... Am waiting for my super O and GM too from cdj...still stuck in jp..
  17. Cool dynamic display anubis!
  18. hahaha...
  19. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think the YF-30 is slowly becoming the grail?
  20. seti88

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice mood shot! Agree that when bandai releases the tomahawk and phalanx, they will round it up! Which episode was it that hikaru was in a destroid again.... Anyway awesome sauce!
  21. Ah ok, i also kinda have the armored (black) in the list...i had tot it was a 1J.... As for hayao TV1A chalk it up to the other category.... i was fishing for some valks i may have missed in the what's next for bandai thread (before i finalised the poll) but to cover any missed items, just put it as others....
  22. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    That sounds like a major backlog. And with the year end season business is coming soon too, JP post office is gonna be working overtime...
  23. yeah wanted to put the armor in a separate category (non-valk), but seeing it was pretty much a given, creating a separate section just for it seems pointless.. I put VF-1EX in as it got teased before. Was there another VF-1 teased which i missed? Consider it in the other's tickbox if so....
  24. seti88

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Saburo, Are those light strips on the wall are actual LED strips or merely a transparent panel with light source behind them? I dont see FEXT selling those..
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